Commercial License Wait List

As licenses become available, the individual at the top of the list will be contacted by a department representative and instructed to pick up their license. If there are no names listed under a license category there is not a waitlist as of the updated date. That does not necessarily mean there are license available, it just means there are no people on the waitlist at the time of the last update. The list will get updated periodically so please check the "last updated" date if you have applied and do not see your name.

The individuals listed as "Available for Pick up" have been removed from the waitlist and are currently eligible to redeem their authorization. The first year of the authorization is grandfathered in at the fee paid with application to the wait list. When you pick up your authorization, you will NOT have to pay the authorization fee again. However, other fees do apply. You will be charged a $20 marketing surcharge and, with the exception of fishing guides, must also pay a $215 harvester registration fee. The list will get updated annually in May, so please check after that month if you have applied and do not see your name.

If notified, you may claim your authorization through the following process:

Through October 28, 2022​, you can visit any DNR Service Center to redeem your authorization for the 2022-2023 license year. The authorization will be valid on the day of issuance and is valid through August 31, 2023.​​

DNR Service Centers are open by appointment only – Appointment information can be found at


Anyone who has not redeemed their authorization by October 28, 2022 will not receive the authorization and will be removed from the wait list. The authorization fee paid at the time you joined the wait list will be refunded.​

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