E-Reporting with FACTS

Program Updates: ​

NEW! - Shellfish Pilot Programs available to commercial Oyster
and Clam harvesters and certified Shellfish Dealers!

Read the FAQ​​ ​flyer and review the Harvester​ and Dealer Program Permits to learn more.​

NEW! - Early start flexibility extended to full season​

for Blue Crab Program Participants who use crab pots!​​

Read the Frequently Asked Questions​​ ​flyer and review the updated Blue Crab Program Permit​​​ to learn more. 


  With the FACTSTM online system, your computer, tablet or phone becomes a convenient way to report your daily harvest activity.

Top ↑ 


Electronic reporting, or E-Reporting, is a quick and easy way to submit your commercial harvest information to the department. The Fishing Activity & Catch Tracking System (FACTSTM) is an online harvest reporting system that has been customized to meet the needs of Maryland commercial watermen. E-Reporting with FACTSTM can save you time and provide 24/7 secure access to all of your trip information and harvest history.

Due to the popularity of the program, you can expect to be contacted
within ten business days of completing our online Sign-Up form.

The login information (username and password),
to your new FACTSTM account will be provided during training.

Training Sessions:

Space is limited and RSVP required – Please contact Stephanie Richards, the E-Reporting Program Coordinator at FisheriesEReporting.DNR@maryland.gov or 410-260-8314.

Program Update - July 14, 2022:​ The FACTS program is currently unable to provide in-person training sessions. Online training options are available and can be completed in less than an hour, at your convenience. Please use the E-Reporting Sign Up button to learn more about the pilot programs and get started with FACTS.    


NEW - Online Training: Comfortable with independent learning online and using your smartphone to navigate the web?  Contact us​ to see if the FACTSTM Online Training option is right for you.

Self-Training Option for SAFIS users: If you are a current SAFIS user, please contact us to learn more about using the Online Training option for switching to FACTSTM. With FACTSTM, there are no negative reports and you’ll be eligible for our special program flexibilities.

Mentoring: Do you know a FACTS user who is able to show you how the system works?  Then contact us to get your electronic reporting account ready and we'll provide the training support to help you get started.  Please be safe and observe appropriate social distancing requirements when working with others. ​

Authorized Users: Linked to the license holder’s FACTSTM account, a designated Authorized User’s account allows for joint harvest reporting and, for Blue Crab pilot program participants, a Flexible Day Off for their harvest activity. Please contact the E-Reporting Program to learn more about this specialized type of account.​



Special Harvest Flexibilities for Pilot Program Participants!

Blue Crab Fishery

  • Option to start 2 hours before sunrise
  • Flexible Day Off From Crabbing – You get to pick your day off each week and it can vary week to week
    based on what works best for you.
  • Only report on the days you go out to crab.

Menhaden Fishery

  • Use FACTSTM to meet your daily Menhaden reporting requirement

Striped Bass Fishery

  • Next-Day Check-in of Harvest – You can keep fish from one day of fishing and check it in on the following day
    (either in the morning before you start your next trip or as combined harvest at the end of the day).
  • Authorized Representatives – You can designate a representative(s) to check-in your daily harvest for you
    at a check station (Cannot be used with next day check-in incentive).
  • No longer need a Striped Bass Harvest Permit card to track your quota – FACTSTM will track your quota
    for you when you check-in your catch, making it easy to see exactly how much quota you have remaining.
  • Easily and quickly transfer striped bass quota electronically with other FACTSTM users.
  • Only report on the days you go out to actively harvest.

Yellow Perch Fishery

  • Allows the Use of Box Tags - Free box tags are provided for pilot program participants. 2023​​​​ Yellow Perch Box Tag Instructions
  • No daily calls to the Yellow Perch Hotline when you use FACTS to report your trips.
  • No longer need a Yellow Perch Harvest Permit card to track your quota shares - FACTS will track your quota for you.
  • Only report on the days you go out to actively harvest.


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What do I need to do?
collapse Question : What Do I Need to Do to participate in the pilot program? ‎(5)

Find out if you have Late or Missing Harvest Reports and make sure that all of your harvest reports have been received by the Department.

Ensure that all Harvest Reports associated with the license number have been submitted and that you continue to send in your reports on time. E-Reporting program permits can only be issued to harvesters who are current with their monthly reports. You can review the late reporting information and lists on the Commercial homepage.

If needed, additional paper reports can be printed from the Fisheries website.

Harvest reports can be emailed to fisheriesharvestreport.dnr@maryland.gov or faxed to 410-260-8279.
Or you can mail them to:
DNR Fisheries Service
Fisheries Statistics Project
580 Taylor Ave., B-2
Annapolis, MD 21401

Determine your eligibility - Participants in the E-Reporting pilot program must be associated with a current commercial fishing license and be 18 years of age or older.

Visit the COMPASS licensing site to review and update your name, address and complete contact information (including cell phone and email). For assistance with your COMPASS account, you may call: 1-855-855-3906

Renew your license and take care of transfers for the current license year. This can be done online through COMPASS or in person at one our service centers.

Frequently Asked Questions
collapse Question : Answers to some Frequently Asked Questions about E-Reporting ‎(9)

Do I need a smart phone or computer to use FACTSTM? – No, lots of participants use the Call Center option so that they can speak directly with an operator to report their harvest information.

Who can use FACTSTM? – Primary license holders (at least 18 years of age), their authorized users, and temporary transferees who hold active commercial licenses and are current for all required harvest reports.

How do I learn how to use FACTSTM? – Training is provided by the Department at various locations and events around the region. You may register to attend one of these group training sessions or schedule an individual appointment to come to our Annapolis headquarters at a time that is convenient for you. Find out What to Bring to Training.

What if I need help using FACTSTM? – There is a free 24 hour Helpline available to answer questions about your account.

How does using FACTSTM save me time? - When you set up your favorites (preferences) in FACTSTM for such things as your gear type, gear quantity, NOAA area code and landing location the system saves them. From then on you only need to enter each day’s details when you go out to fish.

What is Hailing? – Electronic reporting in Maryland requires that participants send a Trip Start Hail before they leave to actively harvest and a Trip End Hail before they return to the dock. This tells the system that you plan to work that day and to expect a Trip End Hail that will be your daily electronic harvest report. Learn more about hailing by reading the Best Reporting Practices used when reporting harvest with FACTSTM.

Do I have to check-in my harvest at a specific check station? – No, all Maryland check stations participate with E-Reporting and FACTSTM.

Do I need to sell to a dealer that uses FACTSTM? – No, once you have checked-in your harvest you can sell it to any authorized dealer.

What is a pilot program and what are the conditions for participating? - A pilot program is a way for the Department to try new methods for managing the commercial fisheries in Maryland. You can review the terms for participating in the program by reading the Blue Crab Pilot Program Permit and Finfish Pilot Program Permit.

I'm used to paper reports, Why Should I Switch?
collapse Question : I'm used to paper reports, Why Should I Switch? ‎(9)

Only report on the days you go out to fish – This is especially convenient when you do not actively harvest for weeks or even months at a time. FACTSTM is designed to receive daily harvest information, so you only report on the days you go out to fish.

No more paperwork – Participating in the electronic reporting pilot program means that you are no longer required to send in paper reports for those authorizations to the Department. Instead, your FACTSTM account allows you to quickly and accurately submit your harvest information electronically.

Never again be late for your monthly harvest reporting – No more worrying about getting your harvest reports to the Department by the 10th of the month. Since your harvest information is submitted electronically on the day of harvest, it is always on time.

Save Time – You can be done with your harvest report before you even land your catch! It takes less than 10 minutes to send in your daily harvest information. You can even have FACTSTM save your preferences for gear types, NOAA area codes, landing locations and more.

Report for multiple fisheries using the same electronic system You can use FACTS to report all of your Blue Crab, Finfish and Charter harvest activity. For those with a Striped Bass Authorization there is a special feature that allows for the quick and easy transfer of quota shares (both pre and in-season), without notarized paperwork.

Use any Maryland check station - All Maryland check stations are required to participate with FACTSTM and you can sell to any authorized Dealer.

24 Hour Support – There is a dedicated FACTSTM 24 hour Helpline you can call for technical support and account questions.

A variety of options for how to report – You can use your smartphone, tablet, computer, text or even use the Call Center option so that you can speak directly with an operator to report your harvest information

24/7 secure access to all of your trip information and harvest history – As a powerful business tool, your FACTSTM account keeps track of all your trip and harvest records. Each day’s work will be at your fingertips, letting you review past trips and providing information to help plan new ones.


View the User Manual and Quick Start Guides to see how to customize your FACTSTM account.

User Manual Quick Start Guide Quick Start Guide E-Reporting Program Informational Flyer
User Manual Quick Start 
Guide for Mobile
and Call Center
FACTS Program
Program Flyer


Still have questions?  Please contact Stephanie Richards, the E-Reporting Program Coordinator at FisheriesEReporting.DNR@maryland.gov or 410-260-8314.

Resources for Current FACTSTM Users


 Check out these helpful tip sheets to make using your FACTSTM account even easier and faster.
  • Saving the FACTSTM website to your mobile device’s Home screen creates a convenient shortcut where you can log in to your account at the touch of an icon button.
  • Request your Pilot Program Permit(s) online after logging in to your FACTSTM account. 
  • Printing/viewing a copy of your Pilot Program Permit from your FACTSTM account is easy and ensures that you can always have a copy with you when you go out to harvest.
  • Review the FACTS Best Reporting Practices​ to ensure that your daily harvest activity is being reported correctly. Remember to start your trip before you leave the dock and send your harvest information before you land.​
  • Need to find the address for a public landing location?  Use Maryland's Online Water Access Guide​ to see the details for each landing by county.
  • Harvest your hard crabs by the Dozen or Individual count? Use our helpful Crab Meas​ures Conversion Chart to find the partial Bushels or Pounds you need to enter your harvest in FACTSTM.
FACTS Sign In with a computer button FACTS Sign in with a smartphone or tablet button

Call Center: Call 1-855-390-2722 to have an electronic reporting representative enter your daily trip and harvest information for you.

Helpline: Call 1-877-979-1820 for technical assistance 24 hours a day.



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