Striped Bass Harvest

Daily Updates of Striped Bass Harvest

In order not to overharvest the striped bass stock of the Chesapeake Bay, Maryland utilizes a quota based harvest management system. Harvest monitoring data by gear type is collected using the following methods:

  • daily phone reports from check stations operated by volunteers holding fish dealer license
  • weekly written log reports from designated check stations
  • cumulative totals from eligible licensee's monthly finfish harvest reports and;
  • poundage totals from eligible licensee's harvest permits at the conclusion of the season.

The harvest estimates illustrated below are based upon daily phone reports from check stations. They are preliminary figures and may change if phone reports are late. These figures are updated as data become available - so check back to this site for updated information! You can also access harvest information 24 hours a day by calling 1-800-999-2800.

Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Coast Fisheries Harvest Charts


Questions or comments should be directed to Chris Jones.
