Storm Drain Stenciling

An Action Project to Help Save the Bay!

Storm drains are designed to be the fastest and most efficient way of getting rainwater off streets and parking lots. Unfortunately, the water that flows into your storm drain carries trash, leaves, soil sediment, nutrients from fertilizers, and toxic materials from pesticides, household cleaners, gasoline and motor oil. All of the water in the storm drains ends up in your local stream, river and eventually, the Chesapeake Bay.

Stenciling storm drains in your community may encourage people to dispose of trash properly and keep trash out of the drains and the Chesapeake Bay!

Storm Drain Stenciling is a service learning activity for your school, community association, 4-H, Scout, or other youth group.

A refundable $40 deposit is required. Stencils and directions are included.

Note: You must contact your local Department of Public Works before you begin stenciling.

Use these wetactivities.pdfProject WET activities as a pre-activity or follow-up to your storm drain stenciling action project.

See the storm drain stencil request form or the stenciling instructions below for more details. Return the completed form with your $40 refundable deposit by mail at the address below.




Chelsea Miller
Aquatic Resources Education
Chesapeake and Coastal Service
MD Department of Natural Resources
580 Taylor Ave., E-2
Annapolis, MD 21401

Sport Fish Restoration