
Welcome back to HabiChat!

Spring is here, HabiChatters!

In this issue, you’ll find a native plant and native animal profile about some of the first (and best) harbingers of spring. Education Assistant Edwin Guevara offers some ways to get your teens into nature with technology; if you can’t get them off their screens, bring the screens outside! And last but not least, guest author Samantha Lott, one of our fantastic Natural Resources Technicians, offers us great insight and advice about dealing with the consequences of heavy spring rains. We hope you get outside as the weather warms up in your Wild Acres!

Sarah Witcher

The night sky by Edwin Guevara
The night sky by Edwin Guevara.
​Read about stargazing apps in this edition’s article, “Tech for Teens.”​

In This Issue

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We want to hear from you!

Letters, e-mail, photos, drawings. Let us know how successful you are as you create wildlife habitat on your property.

Write to Me!
Sarah Witcher
Maryland Wildlife and Heritage Service
Maryland Department of Natural Resources
580 Taylor Ave., E-1
Annapolis MD 21401

​​ Handicapped symbol​Habichat, the newsletter for Maryland's Stewards of Backyard Wildlife, is published by the Wildlife and Heritage Service, Maryland Departme​nt of Natural Resources. The facilities and services of the Maryland Department of Natural Resources are available to all without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, national origin, or physical or mental disability. This document is available in alternative format upon request.