Trawl and Beach Seining

Coastal Fisheries

Finfish populations in Maryland's Coastal Bays are primarily monitored by the Coastal Fisheries Program (CFP).​​​

image of scientists conducting a stream study

The Trust Fund

See how Maryland is accelerating Bay restoration by focusing limited financial resources on the most effective non-point source pollution control projects.

Photo of kayakers sharing water with cargo ship


As the region's population increases and ocean uses intensify, the Mid-Atlantic will be faced with a new generation of ocean management challenges and opportunities.

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Ecosystem Health Assessment​​

Overall Ecosystem Health ranked Sinepuxent best followed closely by Chincoteague Bay. St Martin river was ranked worst and Assawoman, Isle of Wight and Newport Bays were all ranked similarly (fair to poor). The ecosystem health index used water quality (water quality index and macroalgae), living resources (benthic index and hard clams) and habitat (seagrass and wetland) indicators that were responsive to human activities and measured throughout the Bays to compare the segments.