Shooter Qualification Card Program

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) facilitates the Shooter Qualification Program. Through this program local sportsman’s clubs, shooting clubs, and other groups avail their facilities and expertise to certify hunters. Those hunters, who meet certain shooting qualification standards, become certified and receive a Maryland State Shooter Qualification Card valid for the current year. This card serves as “proof of proficiency” and enables a qualified hunter to be eligible to apply for many of the managed deer hunts held across Maryland.

Shooter Qualification events are held at different times and locations throughout the year. Many of the organizations that host these events charge a fee. The department will issue a press release in the summer announcing the dates for the various qualifications. The department's website will list the website addresses of participating sportsmen’s clubs and other locations where Shooter Qualifications will be held.

Sho​oter Qualification Calendar​

Hunters interested in participating in managed hunts should contact the organization holding the hunt to learn more about their program and any additional requirements.

Managed Hunt Applications
