Designated Off-Road Vehicle Trails That are Open for Public Use

ORV Trails in Maryland State Forests

It is recommended that you call the State Forest Office you will be visiting before using the trails to be advised of current trail closures or hazards. Trail maps are available at the State Forest office where Off-Road Vehicle use is permitted.

Potomac-Garrett State Forest
1431 Potomac Camp Road
Oakland, MD

The ORV trails on Potomac-Garrett State Forest are as follows:

  • Backbone Mountain/Burkholder Road ORV Trail (2.7 Miles)
    That portion of Backbone Mountain Trail beginning near the intersection of Swanton Hill Road and Maryland Route 135 and running northwest in two branches to the Maryland Department of Juvenile Services Backbone Mountain Youth Center and to the boundary line of the forest may be used only by: (1) snowmobiles from December 15 through March 15, except during deer firearms season; and (2) two-wheel and four-wheel vehicles during the remainder of the year and during the deer firearms season.

    That portion of Backbone Mountain Trail beginning near the intersection of Maryland Route 135 and Maryland Route 38 and running northeast to the Maryland Department of Juvenile Services Backbone Mountain Youth Center may only be used by snowmobiles, and may not be used by any wheeled vehicle.

  • Backbone Mountain/Burkholder Road Snowmobile Trail (6.7 Miles)

  • Piney Mountain ORV Trail (1.7 Miles)
    The Piney Mountain Trail beginning at the Sang Run-Cranesville Road and ending at the intersection of the Piney Mountain Road and the unnamed dirt road may only be used by: (1) snowmobiles from December 15 through March 15, except during deer firearms season; and (2) two wheel and four wheel vehicles the remainder of the year and during the deer firearms season. The western half of the loop may be used by snowmobiles only, and may not be used by any motorized wheeled vehicle.

  • Piney Mountain Snowmobile Trail (2.5 Miles)

  • Snaggy Mountain ORV Trail (3.2 Miles)
    That portion of Snaggy Mtn. Road, beginning at Cranesville Road and running south along Snaggy Mountain Road/Hutton-Switch Road to the bridge at the head of Herrington Lake may be used only by: (1) snowmobiles from December 15 through March 15, except during deer firearms season; and (2) two-wheel and four-wheel vehicles the remainder of the year and during the deer firearms season. That portion of the trail forming the eastern side of the northern loop beginning and ending at the points where the loop leaves the part of the trail running along Snaggy Mountain Road/Hutton-Switch Road, the southern portion of the trail beginning at the bridge at the head of Herrington lake to the trail's end, and the trail connecting at midway the northern loop to the southern portion of the trail may only be used by snowmobiles and may not be used by any motorized wheeled vehicle.

  • Snaggy Mountain Snowmobile Trail (8.5 Miles)​

  • Wallman/Laurel Run ORV Trail
    Laurel Run Road ORV Trail: (2.4 Miles) The northern portion of the Trail beginning at the western boundary of the forest at Rileys Spring Branch and running eastward toward the Potomac River along Laurel Run Road to the intersection of an unnamed dirt road may be used only by: (1) snowmobiles from December 15 through March 15, except during the deer firearms season; and (2) two-wheel and four-wheel vehicles during the remainder of the year and during the deer firearms season. 

    Wallman Road ORV Trail: (3.9 Miles) The eastern portion of the Trail beginning at the western boundary of the forest at Rileys Spring Branch and running southward along Wallman Road to the boundary of the forest near Wallman may be used only by: (1) snowmobiles from December 15 through March 15, except during the deer firearms season: and (2) two-wheel and four-wheel vehicles during the remainder of the year and during the deer firearms season.

    The western portion of the Trail beginning where it leaves the eastern portion of the trail near the intersection of Wallman Road and an unnamed dirt access road and running south on and along the access road to the point where the trail ends when it intersects with the southern portion of the trail and the center trail connecting the western and eastern portions which follow the access road may: (1) be used only by snowmobiles from December 15 through March 15; and (2) not be used by any motorized wheeled vehicles for the remainder of the year. The southern portion of the Trail beginning where it intersects with the western portion of the trail and running southward to its intersection with the eastern portion may be used only by snowmobiles and may not be used by any motorized wheeled vehicles.

  • Wallman/Laurel Run Snowmobile Trail (10.2 Miles)​

Savage River State Forest
127 Headquarters Lane
Grantsville, MD 21536

The trails described in this section may only be used by the ORV's indicated.

  • St. John's Rock Trail More information can be found on the ORV home page.

  • Meadow Mountain Trail: the northern portion of Meadow Mountain trail beginning at and running along East Shale Road (approximately 1/4 mile south of U.S. route 68) southward to the point where it intersects New Germany Road may only be used by: (1) snowmobiles from December 15 through March 15, except during the deer firearm season; and (2) two-wheel and four-wheel vehicles during the remainder of the year and during the deer firearms season.
    • The portion of Meadow Mountain Trail beginning on the southwest side of New Germany Road and running south to Frank Brenneman Road may only be used by snowmobiles, and may not be used by a motorized wheeled vehicle.
    • The southern portion of Meadow Mountain Trail, beginning in Deep Creek Lake State Park, lies at the intersection of the Thayerville Fire Tower Road and the State Park Road and running in a northeasterly direction and ending on Compartment 77 may be used by snowmobiles, and may not be used by a motorized wheeled vehicle. A snowmobile may be unloaded either at designated Deep Creek Lake State Park parking lots or the New Germany State Park/Savage River State Forest maintenance parking lot if the snowmobile is driven directly to Meadow Mountain Trail on the designated access trails provided.

  • Margraff Plantation Trail may only be used by a snowmobile from December 15 through March 15.

  • Negro Mountain Trail coincides with portions of the forest access roads through compartments and may be used only by snowmobiles from December 15 through March 15, and may not be used by any ORV for the remainder of the year, except for conducting educational programs, safety programs or special events.​