CCS Programs

The Chesapeake & Coastal Service is organized into six divisions, within which reside a number of programs:  

Restoration Finance and Policy Division

Coordinates and advances innovative approaches for financing and implementing policies and programs that accelerate the restoration of Chesapeake, coastal and ocean resources. For more information, contact Jenn Raulin at or (410) 260-8745.

Chesapeake & Atlantic Coastal Bays Trust Fund
The Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Trust Fund is one of the region's most important funding tools targeting water quality, and watershed restoration and protection projects to reduce non point source pollution. The goal of BayStat each year is to identify projects and develop a work plan designed to maximize the Trust Fund’s environmental return on investment, thereby serving as a model of restoration financing efficiency and effectiveness critical to achieving the goals under EPA's Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) requirements within the State's Watershed Implementation Plan (WIP). These investments also create green jobs, and provide habitat, mitigate flood hazards, and prevent soil erosion. For more information, contact Jenn Raulin at or (410) 260-8745.

Watershed Assistance Collaborative
The Watershed Assistance Collaborative is a partnership that provides services and technical assistance to communities to advance restoration activities and projects. By leveraging resources of existing programs, the Watershed Assistance Collaborative exists to provide coordinated capacity building opportunities to local implementers. Communities interested in undertaking comprehensive watershed protection and restoration activities are encouraged to take advantage of the services offered through this partnership. The Collaborative offers the tools, resources and outreach needed to work toward large nonpoint source pollution implementation and restoration efforts. For more information, contact Jenn Raulin at or (410) 260-8745.

Innovative Technology Fund
The Innovative Technology Fund is accelerating Bay restoration through the development of new technologies. At the 2007 Chesapeake Bay Program Executive Council (EC) meeting, the State of Maryland and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) agreed to promote investments in technologies that could accelerate Bay restoration efforts. The Innovative Technology Fund is made possible through funding from Maryland’s Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Trust Fund and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in partnership with the University of Maryland’s Industrial Partnership (MIPS) and the Mtech Ventures Chesapeake Bay Seed Capital Program (Mtech). Additional technical assistance is provided by Maryland DNR and the Chesapeake & Coastal Service. For more information, contact Sarah Lane at or (410) 260-8788.

Habitat Restoration and Conservation Division

Provides the restoration science and services that State and local partners so urgently need in order to meet their water quality and habitat restoration priorities. For more information, contact Kevin Smith at or (410) 260-8797.

Natural Filters
CCS leads the effort for implementing the Natural Filters on Public Lands Two-Year Milestone. This effort includes the identification of “Natural Filters” projects on all public lands (federal, state, local) and provides technical assistance and funding to those who are eligible to implement on-the-ground restoration in the form of riparian buffers (grass and trees), wetlands, reforestation, and other forms of bio-remediation. For more information, contact Kristen Fleming at or (410) 260-8813.

Shoreline Conservation Service
The Shoreline Conservation Service provides technical and financial assistance to Maryland property owners in resolving shoreline and stream bank erosion problems. Assistance is provided through site visits and evaluations, problem assessments and recommended solutions. For more information contact Bhaskar Subramanian at or (410) 260-8786.

Community Restoration Program
The Community Restoration Program works to strengthen public outreach and engagement in on-the-ground restoration as well as increase locally led restoration projects. Staff provides assistance to local governments, watershed groups and community organizations in aligning restoration efforts with the Chesapeake Bay TMDL effort and Watershed Implementation Plan goals. For more information contact Claudia Donegan at or (410) 260-8768.

Maryland’s Ecosystem Enhancement (ME2)
The ME2 program provides a better model for mitigation in the State by targeting our limited resources (funding) towards mitigation that enhances Bay Restoration. CCS staff works with other state agencies to construct agricultural BMP’s in areas targeted as having a high ecological value, thereby providing the best practice (BMP) in the best location and accelerating restoration. For more information, contact Kristen Fleming at or (410) 260-8813.

Coastal and Marine Assessment Division

Assists state and local partners to make effective decisions and plan for future development, conservation and restoration of coastal resources while reducing vulnerability to future storm events, shoreline change and sea level rise. For more information, contact Catherine McCall at or (410) 260-8737.

Maryland’s Coastal Zone Management Program
Maryland’s Coastal Zone Management Program (Coastal Program) was established through an Executive Order and approved by NOAA in 1978. The Coastal Program is a networked program and is comprised of several state planning and regulatory programs, as well as the Chesapeake and Coastal Bays Critical Areas Protection Program. The Department of Natural Resources is the lead agency. Maryland's coastal boundary follows the inland boundary of the counties (and Baltimore City) bordering the Atlantic Ocean, Chesapeake Bay, and the Potomac River (as far as the municipal limits of Washington, D.C.). For more information, contact Catherine McCall at or (410) 260-8737.

CoastSmart Program
Maryland’s CoastSmart Program is helping local communities identify and implement strategies to protect life and property vulnerable to coastal hazards and climate change. From hands-on training and planning tools to financial resources, CoastSmart is ensuring that local communities have the tools that they need to identify and take the necessary actions to become ready, adaptive and resilient to the impacts of climate change. For more information, contact Kate Skaggs at or (410) 260-8743.

CoastSmart Communities Grants
Coastal damage The CoastSmart Communities Grant (CCG) provides financial assistance to local governments to encourage the incorporation of coastal hazards, sea level rise, and/ or related coastal management issues into local long-term strategic planning, new or modified codes and ordinances, permitting processes, education and outreach campaigns, and other relevant programs. For more information, contact Kate Skaggs at or (410) 260-8743.

Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (CBNERR)
Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (CBNERR-MD) was established in 1985 with Monie Bay, a large wetland near Deal Island on the lower Eastern Shore, being the sole component. In 1990 Otter Point Creek and Jug Bay were added to the reserve. Together, these three reserve components reflect the diversity of estuarine systems found within the Maryland portion of the Chesapeake Bay providing essential habitat for commercially as well as recreationally important fish and crabs, filtering mud from the Bay's murky waters, and protecting the shoreline from flooding. CBNERR-MD promotes educational opportunities and scientific study of these estuarine systems so that we can better manage and successfully restore these important habitats, as well as enjoy a healthy and productive Bay. For more information, contact Catherine McCall at or (410) 260-8737.

CBNERR-MD Stewardship Program
The Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (CBNERR) Stewardship Program is integrated with both the research and education programs and its activities focus on monitoring the flora and fauna and managing the components natural resources. Stewardship is the act of protecting the environment through conservation and restoration. Stewardship at CBNERR-MD involves the long-term protection of thousands of acres of estuarine land and water in our most precious resource, the Chesapeake Bay. Stewardship activities at CBNERR-MD are designed to demonstrate best management practices that other resource professionals, local decision-makers, and the general public can apply in their own communities. For more information, contact Chris Snow at or (410) 260-8731.

Coastal Training Program (CTP)
The Coastal Training Program provides science based knowledge to community leaders and decision makers to promote clean and healthy streams, rivers, and watersheds of the Chesapeake Bay. CTP provides trainings that bridge science, policy and management in a pertinent, relevant manner which transfers necessary skills and information to planners & other resource managers. CTP is administered by the Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve-MD which is part of the Maryland Department of Natural Resources and NOAA. We are a federal-state-local partnership. For more information, contact Sasha Lane at or (410) 260-8718.

Coastal & Estuarine Land Conservation Program (CELCP)
CELCP is a nationally-competitive land conservation program through NOAA that was established to protect important coastal and estuarine areas that have significant conservation, recreation, ecological, historical or aesthetic values. Each year, Maryland’s Chesapeake & Coastal Program can submit up to three project proposals each with a requested funding of $3,000,000 per project and 1:1 match. Project proposals support coastal land conservation goals outlined in the state’s CELCP plan. Since 2008, Maryland has received approximately $16,482,100 from. Maryland is using CELCP funding to protect important coastal and estuarine areas with significant conservation, recreation, ecological, historical, or aesthetic values that may be vulnerable to conversion.

Conservation Education and Stewardship Division

Provides leadership in the Department's efforts to enhance the natural resources stewardship ethic of all Maryland citizens.

Aquatic Resources Education Program
The Aquatic Resource Education Program is part of the Department of Natural Resources’ Chesapeake and Coastal Service. The goal of Maryland’s Aquatic Resource Education (ARE) Program is to instill the respect for the aquatic resources and rights of others by cultivating ethical behavior of Maryland’s aquatic resources. Maryland’s ARE Program enables students to develop an appreciation and understanding of aquatic habitats in Maryland.

CBNERR-MD Education Program
The Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (CBNERR) Education Program strives to share the results of research happening within the research reserve as well as estuaries throughout the nation. The program provides field experiences for students (pre-school through college), educators and public audiences. The programs are designed to enhance participant’s awareness and understanding of estuaries and emphasize the interrelationships of coastal habitats and human activities. Field program activities include the exploration of wetlands and salt marsh, submerged aquatic vegetation, shallow water habitats, collection of fish, crabs and other invertebrates as well as water quality and watershed studies. For more information, contact Coreen Weilminster at or (410) 260-8744.

Geospatial Information and Analysis

Provides DNR, citizens, government agencies and partners with effective and efficient GIS data and tools for analysis and decision-making related to Chesapeake, coastal and ocean planning and management. For more information, contact Kevin Coyne at or (410) 260-8985.

Maryland’s Coastal Atlas
The Coastal Atlas is an online mapping and planning tool that allows state and local decision-makers to explore data for coastal and ocean planning activities. The data available through the Coastal Atlas includes physical characteristics, human uses and ecological resources. Through the Coastal Atlas, users are able to visualize, query, map, and analyze available data to better manage our marine and estuarine resources. The tools currently available, and those that will be continually developed for the Coastal Atlas, are designed to support better decision-making by transforming available data into information tailored for specific issues. For more information, contact Chris Cortina at or (410) 260-8774.

MERLIN Online, or Maryland's Environmental Resources and Land Information Network, allows users to produce a custom map of any location in Maryland, including their choice of base maps and data layers. MERLIN Online takes advantage of the latest technologies to ensure the user has the best mapping experience with the most recent data available. For more information, contact Kevin Coyne at or (410) 260-8985.

Management Services

Fosters integration and strategic management among the Unit's resources, trains Unit's professionals and guides Unit managers and employees on performance management. For more information, contact Laura Younger at or (410) 260-8742.