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The Watershed Assistance – Two-Year Milestone Support Grant Program

The Chesapeake Bay Trust, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, and the Maryland Department of the Environment welcome requests for the Watershed Assistance – Two-Year Milestone Support grant program. This program will support design assistance, watershed planning and programmatic development associated with protection and restoration programs and projects that lead to improved water quality in the Maryland portion of the Chesapeake Bay watershed, the Maryland portion of the Youghiogheny watershed, and the Maryland Coastal Bays.

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Download the Request for Proposals

Watershed Assistance Collaborative Request for Proposal Cover 

Watershed Assistance Collaborative

Putting the Resources at the Level Where the Work Gets Done

Left to Right: Chesapeake Bay Trust; Maryland Cooperative Extension - UMCP; Sea Grant Maryland; Environmental Finance Center;; NOAA; Chesapeake Bay Program In recognition that not all jurisdictions currently have the capacity to implement large-scale non-point source restoration and protection efforts, Maryland’s State agencies, the Chesapeake Bay Trust, University of Maryland Sea Grant Extension Program, University of Maryland Environmental Finance Center, NOAA and the EPA joined together to create the Watershed Assistance Collaborative (Collaborative) in the Fall of 2008. The Collaborative is a partnership that provides services and technical assistance to communities to advance restoration activities and projects. By leveraging resources of existing programs, the Watershed Assistance Collaborative exists to provide coordinated capacity building opportunities to local implementers.

Communities interested in undertaking comprehensive watershed protection and restoration activities are encouraged to take advantage of the services offered through this partnership. The Collaborative offers the tools, resources and outreach needed to work toward large nonpoint source pollution implementation and restoration efforts.

Local communities interested in learning how the Collaborative can connect them to the financial and technical resources they need to undertake comprehensive watershed restoration projects in Maryland, please fill out the Request for Resources & Services Form. For more information, e-mail Phillip Stafford with the Chesapeake & Coastal Service or call 410-260-8720.

Planning & Design Grants

Learn about the planning and design assistance available for protection and restoration projects, through our partnership with Chesapeake Bay Trust, that lead to improved water quality in Maryland.

Technical Assistance

Find out about the project management and coordination assistance available through the Collaborative, in partnership with Maryland Sea Grant, for implementation efforts in Maryland.

Stormwater Financing and Outreach

Learn how the Collaborative, in partnership with Maryland Environmental Finance Center, assists with project implementation, watershed plan development, stakeholder development and financing strategies.

Training Opportunities

In partnership with Maryland’s Coastal Training Program, the Collaborative has expanded its services to provide training to local government staff.
