MWDI Collaborating Partners and Useful Links

More than 50 wildlife, conservation, and educational organizations are already participating in MWDI’s nest box profile and use data base. As permission is obtained, MWDI will describe their involvement. In addition, numerous private and public net program sponsors are participating. The broad, statewide support of certain organizations has been most noteworthy and they have agreed to continue as Collaborating Partners

Maryland Department of Natural Resources Logo

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife & Heritage Service and many personnel within its Wildlife Management Area Division and its Migratory Game Bird Division have embraced MWDI’s concept at an early phase and have been enthusiastic supporters in these early accomplishments. The DNR-MWDI Partnering Agreement, funded by Migratory Bird Stamp proceeds, tangibly demonstrates DNR’s commitment and its willingness to continue to support MWDI’s mission.  MWDI is also extremely grateful for DNR's assistance with this website.

Ducks Unlimited LogoDucks Unlimited (DU) was also an early and enthusiastic collaborator in generating volunteer labor to construct boxes, repair and install them and in securing a steady supply of used Freon canisters from its members. DU is assisting MWDI’s out reach efforts by advertising MWDI’s mission at all of its functions and many regional chapter members have already become involved in several ways. DU’s Annapolis-based field office has participated in field activities and has provided nest boxes produced by certain Greenwing (youth) activities. They have also expressed a willingness to collaborate on research projects and provide intern support as these resources are available.

USFWS LogoThe U.S Fish & Wildlife Service (USF&W) is assisting MWDI in several ways. Access to USF&W wood duck research has been facilitated. Identification of and introduction to current nest box program sponsors and other conservation professionals has allowed MWDI to network efficiently and effectively. Guidance on strategic and tactical program concepts is being provided. Use of office space with audio/visual facilities has been made available to MWDI. A program to obtain habitat plantings on a cost-share basis to enhance certain existing impoundments is being discussed as is the ability of MWDI to directly participate in wetland creation projects in a way that would facilitate and expedite USF&W’s implementation capabilities and efficiencies.

Useful Links

MWDI is keenly interested in involving other organizations on either a local or statewide project level. We would be pleased to discuss mutually beneficial concepts with you!