Wildlife Damage Control Operator Permit/License

On August 23, 2008 new regulations were enacted revising the standards and requirements for a person to obtain a permit from the Department to respond to human/wildlife conflicts. An individual permit is required for a Commercial Wildlife Damage Control Operator and assistants.  Click here to view the regulations in their entirety.

The first step in obtaining a Wildlife Damage Control Permit is to take and pass a written examination comprised of trapping procedures, heath and human safety issues, components of law and regulation relating to human/animal conflict trapping, and questions relating to the reproductive cycles, feeding patterns and den sites of the more common wildlife species in Maryland.

The required test is an open book exam and is available on line

Suggested reading material:

When you feel confident that you have correctly completed the answer sheet, please mail the completed answer sheet to: Permits Coordinator, Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife & Heritage Service, 580 Taylor Avenue, E-1, Annapolis MD 21401 or e-mail it to Georgia.Johnson@maryland.gov

If you chose to e-mail the answer sheet make certain that you have under-lined or changed the color for the correct answer in such a way that we can determine your choice.

Do not mail the application and the fee until you have heard that you passed the test by e-mail or by telephone.

The new administrative procedures and protocols strengthen our partnership with people who respond to human/wildlife complaints. Interactions between wildlife and people become more common as the landscape becomes more urban. To successfully resolve these conflicts our wildlife damage control procedures must involve techniques that are responsive and educational to provide the client with a remedy that minimizes the chance of a subsequent problem.

We will list any commercial operator that obtains a Wildlife Damage Control Permit that takes calls from the public in our on-line list if you complete an availability form indicating that you with to be included in the public list. ​Click here to download the the Availability Form.

NOTE: Please do not complete this availability form unless you intend to take calls from the public.

List of Wildlife Damage Control Operators by County

How to Obtain an Application

​Click here to download the Wildlife Damage Control Operator Permit/License

NOTE: Permit may take up to three weeks to issue from the date the answer sheet is received.

Availability Form

Remember, the application must be returned along with the Application Fee of $50.00 (unless you are licensing in the Assistant Category as described in the regulations. The Assistant fee is $25.00). Make your check or money order payable to: The Department of Natural Resources

Request by E-mail:
(include US Mailing Address)

Request by Phone:
(410) 260-8540
Toll-free in Maryland: 1-877-620-8DNR [8367], Extension 8540
TTY: Maryland Relay via 1-800-735-2258 or 711

Request by Mail:
Wildlife Permit Coordinator
MD DNR- Wildlife and Heritage Service
580 Taylor Ave., E-1
Annapolis MD 21401