Stream Waders

Stream Waders Cover  

Making a Difference in Maryland Waters

The goals of the Stream Waders Program are:

  • To increase the density of sampling sites for use in stream quality assessments.
  • To educate the local community about the relationship between land use and stream quality.
  • To provide quality assured information on stream quality to state,local, and federal agencies, environmental organizations, and others.
  • To improve stream stewardship ethics and encourage local action to improve watershed management.

How to Become a Stream Wader

The first thing to do is fill out this Volunteer Form and bring the completed form to a training session. This document is a release form required from all our volunteers.

In order to become part of the program, volunteers agree to participate in a one day training session and then spend about two more days during the March-April sampling window collecting aquatic invertebrate samples from stream beds. Volunteers can either make special arrangements to return their samples to DNR, or bring them to the group collection generally held the first weekend of May at their training site. Samples are sent to the department for "bug identification" and analysis.

Volunteer samples and location data go through a process similar to that used for the Maryland Biological Stream Survey for quality control and analysis. Data and reports that result from this process are available on the web in the online publications page.

Stream Waders 10 Year (2000-2009) Report.

Thank you all of the volunteers who slogged through the streams and endured frigid fingers to make it all possible!

Maryland Stream Waders 10 Year Report​​