Maryland Water Monitoring Council Annual Conference

MWMC's 28th Annual Conference:​ ​
What Are You Drinking? Protecting the Source

​​​​​December 15, 2022

The Maryland Water Monitoring Council held its 28th Annual Conference at the Maritime Conference Center in North Linthicum, Maryland, on Thursday, December 15, 2022. The theme was What Are You Drinking? Protecting the Source.

The conference drew about 350 registrants and included five concurrent sessions with 45 talks, 23 posters, 12 vendors and 4 special exhibit tables. Also included were the 16th Annual Carl S. Weber Awards, the 11th Annual Student Poster Award and a Student-Professional Networking Session. A conference agenda with linked presentations can be found ​​HERE and a full conference program with abstracts and presenter contact information can be found HERE​​.​

The morning plenary session featured a presentation by Mike Nardolilli, Executive Director of the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin and from Lee Currey, Director of the Water and Science Administration for the Maryland Department of the Environment.

Mike Nardolilli
Lee Currey​

The MWMC would like to congratulate our 2022 Carl Weber Award winner, Bruce Michael. Bruce has dedicated 42 years to improving Maryland’s waterways. Working in various state agencies and committees, he has been instrumental in helping us better understand Maryland's vast natural resources, including the Chesapeake Bay. In addition, he has also excelled at connecting the ideas and people to revitalize our waterways. His efforts have been key to clearing up our waters and recharging them with oxygen, ultimately providing a brighter future for the iconic fish, crabs and oysters calling Maryland waters home.

Bruce Michael

The Student Poster Contest drew five excellent posters from a diverse group of high school and undergraduate students. Emily Ernst with Anne Arundel Community College Environmental Center won first place with her poster,"TRACKING HORSESHOE CRAB POPULATIONS WITH DNA BARCODING." ​Her prize was accepted on her behalf by her professor, Tammy Domanski.

Emily Ernst
1st Place Award

Second place went to Makala Harrison and Julianna Mariano with Mount St. Mary's University for their poster, "THE USE OF BENTHIC MACROINVERTEBRATES AS BIOINDICATORS OF WATER QUALITY IN FRESHWATER STREAMS."

Makala Harrison and Julianna Mariano
2nd Place Award​


Shannon Pearce and Lewis Riggs
3rd Place Award

The MWMC would like to thank our 2022 sponsors and exhibitors for their support of the annual conference.


The Groundwater Committee is re-forming after a period of inactivity. This committee will promote and facilitate collaboration on issues related to the monitoring and assessment of the quality and quantity of groundwater. It will consider the current state of groundwater monitoring, and will explore the need for documenting and disseminating information on groundwater monitoring activities. The Committee may promote the sharing and accessibility of groundwater quality data; and may consider and make recommendations on the needs, protocols and quality standards for monitoring in relation to specific threats or stressors to groundwater. If you are interested in bringing your ideas for improving the understanding of groundwater in Maryland, please contact Jason Dubow ( or Matthew Pajerowski (


The I​nformation Management and Communication Committee is looking for new members. This committee explores existing data management procedures employed in Maryland and develops recommended procedures for data management and quality assurance. It also maintains the repository on water monitoring programs. For more information or to sign up for the next meeting, contact Najma Khokhar at

​​The Stream Restoration Committee is re-energized under the leadership of Bill Stack ( and Lisa Fraley McNeal ( from the Center for Watershed Protection. If you are interested in participating, please contact Bill or Lisa.

Check out our Facebook page for updates on the Council and the Annual Conference.

Not on our email list? Let us know you're interested at

MWMC's 27th Annual Conference:
Environmental Justice in a Time of Climate Change
​December 2 - 3, 2021

The MWMC held its 27th Annual Conference, Environmental Justice in a Time of Climate Change, on December 2-3, 2021. This virtual conference explored themes relating to a more equitable application of strategies across communities to address the shift to a new climactic normal and the environmental problems faced disproportionately by residents of disadvantaged areas.

An address by Dr. Sacoby Wilson, director of the Center for Community Engagement, Environmental Justice and Health in the University of Maryland School of Public Health and appointee to the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Science Advisory Board, was featured at the plenary session.

Concurrent session topics included Environmental Justice and Equity, Stream Restoration, Saltwater Intrusion, Managing PFAS and Other Contaminants, Maryland's Least Wanted, Climate Change: Tech and Digital Tools, and more. See the conference agenda​ for additional sessions, presentation information, and a schedule of events, as well as slides from select presentations.

See the presenters' abstracts and more in the conference program.

Thank you to all who submitted abstracts for oral and poster presentations.

MWMC 26th Annual Conference - December 3-4, 2020

The Maryland Water Monitoring Council held its 26th Annual Conference virtually on Thursday and Friday, December 3-4, 2020. The plenary session began at 9:00 AM and the conference adjourned at 12:00 PM each day. In addition to the plenary session, the conference included several concurrent breakout sessions, posters, and exhibitor connections.

In an examination of the world in which we currently live, one can’t help but see how interconnected the health of the environment is with the lives and health of the people living in its midst. Our 2020 theme, Clean Waters, Healthy Humans: The Environment Rx, is an exploration of that link. Concurrent sessions included Recent Advances in Stream Restoration Monitoring (Parts 1 and 2), Clean Waters, Healthy Humans, Nutrient Management in Saline Environments, Water Quality, Meeting the Goals of the Chesapeake Bay WIPs through Innovation and Hard Work!, PFAS (Per- and poly-Fluorinated Alkyl Substances): News on an Emerging Contaminant, and Data in the Time of COVID: There’s an App for That!

The morning plenary session on December 3rd featured a presentation by Dr. Rita Colwell, Distinguished University Professor at the University of Maryland and Johns Hopkins University and former director of the National Science Foundation, followed by a presentation from Congressman John Sarbanes, co-chair of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Caucus and author of the No Child Left Inside Act.

Many thanks to our presenters and sponsors for their parts in making the virtual conference a success!

LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK! Fill out our conference survey to provide the council with valuable feedback about this year’s conference.

Click HERE for the agenda. Presentations and session videos now available!

Request a Professional Development/Continuing Education Hours form by contacting

Carl Weber Awards

This year, we presented the 14th Annual Carl S. Weber Award​ to Dan Boward in recognition of a distinguished career with the State of Maryland and his contributions to benthic macroinvertebrate monitoring, assessment, and reporting, as well as for his instrumental role in organizing the MWMC Annual Conference and workshops over a 14-year period. In addition to the traditional Award, the MWMC presented the Above and Beyond Award to Andrew Sarcinello in recognition of his contributions to monitoring in coldwater streams and leadership in forming Trout Unlimited’s citizen science initiative.


The Information Management and Communication Committee is looking for new members. This committee explores existing data management procedures employed in Maryland and develops recommended procedures for data management and quality assurance. It also maintains the repository on water monitoring programs. For more information or to sign up for the next meeting, contact Najma Khokhar at

The Stream Restoration Committee is re-forming under the leadership of Bill Stack ( and Lisa Fraley McNeal ( from the Center for Watershed Protection. There will be announcements regarding this committee in both stream sessions at the conference and a request for issues on which to focus via the session box (e.g., the new stream protocols, TMDL’s etc.). The next quarterly meeting of this group is expected to occur in February. If you are interested in participating, please contact Bill or Lisa.

Check out our Facebook page for updates on the Council and the Annual Conference.

Not on our email list? Let us know you're interested at

MWMC 25th Annual Conference - December 6, 2019

The 2018 ConferenceThe Maryland Water Monitoring Council held its 25th Annual Conference at the Maritime Conference Center in North Linthicum, Maryland, on Friday, December 6, 2019. The theme was The 25th Annual MWMC Conference – Where We’ve Been, Where We’re Going. The conference drew about 640 registrants and included eight concurrent sessions with 81 talks, 26 posters, 28 vendors and 13 special exhibit tables. Also included were the 13th Annual Carl S. Weber Awards, the 8th Annual Student Poster Award and a Student-Professional Networking Session. A conference agenda with linked presentations can be found HERE and a full conference program with abstracts and presenter contact information can be found HERE​

See what people are saying about the MWMC Annual Conference.

Click HERE​ for ​photos from the 2019 conference and check out the MWMC on Facebook.

MWMC 24th Annual Conference - December 7, 2018

The MWMC held its 24th Annual Conference at the Maritime Conference Center, North Linthicum, Maryland, on Friday, December 7, 2018. The conference, which drew about 600 attendees, included a plenary session, eight concurrent breakout sessions, posters and a student poster session, a student-professional networking session, vendors, and exhibitor tables. A conference agenda with linked presentations can be found HERE and a full program with talk and poster abstracts can be found HERE.

MWMC 23rd Annual Conference - December 8, 2017

The MWMC held its 23rd Annual Conference at the Maritime Conference Center, North Linthicum, Maryland, on Friday, December 8, 2017. The conference, which drew about 600 atteendes, included a plenary session, seven concurrent breakout sessions, posters and exhibitor tables. Cl




MWMC 22nd Annual Conference - December 2, 2016.

The Maryland Water Monitoring Council held its 22nd Annual Conference at the Maritime Institute, North Linthicum, Maryland, on Friday, December 2, 2016. About 510 folks attended the event that included 59 talks, 41 poster presentations and 29 vendors and exhibitors. A full program with talk and poster abstracts can be found HERE. Presentation files are linked to the online ​AGENDA. Visit the MWMC Facebook Page for photos from this and past conferences.


The Maryland Water Monitoring Council held its 21st Annual Conference at the Maritime Institute, North Linthicum, Maryland, on Friday, November 13, 2015. The theme of the 2015 conference was Protecting the Source - Sustaining Maryland’s Waters. View the 2015 CONFERENCE PROGRAM (with abstracts)


The Maryland Water Monitoring Council held its 20th Annual Conference at the Maritime Institute, North Linthicum, Maryland, on Friday, November 21, 2014. The theme of the one day conference was The 20th Annual MWMC Conference: Looking to the Past to Guide our Future.


The Maryland Water Monitoring Council held its 19th Annual Conference at the The Maritime Institute of Technology and Graduate Studies in Linthicum Heights on Thursday, December 5, 2013. The theme of the one day conference was Conserving Maryland's High Quality Waters - From Monitoring to Action. View the 2013 CONFERENCE PROGRAM


The Maryland Water Monitoring Council held its 18th Annual Conference at the Maritime Institute, North Linthicum, Maryland, on Thursday, December 6, 2012. The theme of the one day conference was What Else is in your Water? From Arsenic to Zinc. The conference addressed water quality issues beyond more conventional pollutants such as nutrients and sediments. View the 2012 CONFERENCE PROGRAM


The Maryland Water Monitoring Council held its 17th Annual Conference at the Maritime Institute, North Linthicum, on Thursday, December 1, 2011. The theme of the one day conference was Think Baywide, Act Streamside: Implementing the Chesapeake Bay TMDL. View the 2011 CONFERENCE PROGRAM


The Maryland Water Monitoring Council held its 16th Annual Conference on Thursday, November 18, 2010 at the Maritime Institute in North Linthicum, MD. The theme of the 16th Annual Conference of the Maryland Water Monitoring Council was Environmental Justice: Healthy Waters, Healthy Communities.View the 2010 CONFERENCE PROGRAM

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