Cunningham Falls and Gambrill State Parks


Covid Related Information: Cunningham Falls State Park day-use areas, including trails & playgrounds are open. The Visitor Center in the Manor Area and the William Houck Nature Center will open for regular hours beginning Memorial Day Weekend. The Camp Store will open for the season on April 1. Please call the Camp Office for more information. Hiking trails to the falls, boating, picnicking and fishing are still available for visitors to enjoy!​

Construction on Snack Bar to Continue throughout Summer 2022: Due to continued construction, the Snack Bar will be closed for the Summer 2022 season. Park staff are encouraging food truck vendors to apply to serve in the day use area on summer weekends and holidays. For more information, please contact Mark Spurrier at

Houck Area Closures

On warm spring/summer weekends, the Houck Area of Cunningham Falls State Park may close due to capacity limitations. All traffic will be turned away from the entrance. The area usually re-opens in the afternoon. If you are not traveling with your party we suggest that you all arrive at the same time to insure the best chance that you will all get in.

Cunningham Falls Hiking

Although many visitors wish to get an up close view of the spectacular natural attraction, swimming is prohibited and climbing is not advised at the falls. This policy is in place for the safety and protection of both the visitors and of the natural resource. Park staff has responded to hundreds of accidents at the Falls, most of which have been a direct result of visitors slipping or falling while attempting to explore the falls. In addition to visitor safety, we are dedicated to protecting, conserving and enhancing our natural resources. By eliminating human impact at the Falls, we are ensuring that the falls will be preserved as a wild and natural resource.

Help us protect our treasures. Please no hiking or climbing off of the trail in or around Cunningham Falls (McAfee Falls).

Firewood Alert

Firewood for camping can be purchased onsite or from a local vendor. Please do not bring firewood from great distances into the park. The Emerald Ash Borer and other forest pests are known to spread through the transportation of firewood. Please help us keep our trees safe. For more information please visit The Maryland Park Service Firewood Policy web page

Iron Masters Ruins

The iron masters ruins in the Manor area of Cunningham Falls State Park are temporarily closed to the public.
