Sandy Point State Park

Special Events

If you are interested in holding an event at Sandy Point, send an email to or call the park office at 410-974-2149 and request a Special Event Request form. NOTE: Due to the large inverse in park visitation, requests for events between May to September are not often approved.

  • Baptisms
  • Field Trips & Other Youth Events
  • Weddings

Please note: Sandy Point State Park is not a prime venue for weddings and receptions in East Beach because of the lack of privacy. When considering Sandy Point for a wedding and/or reception, please keep in mind that all twelve shelters in East Beach share the same beach area. Weddings on the beach could be interrupted by other beach users. Chairs cannot be set up on the beach and areas of the beach cannot be roped off for special events. Also, all shelters in East Beach share bath houses, amenities and restroom facilities. No amplified music or DJ’s are allowed. Keep in mind that shelter fees do not include the per person entrance charges; all persons entering the Park will be charged the per person fee.

Sandy Point State Park is the host location for several local annual Special Events. For dates and other information about these events go to the sponsor’s website links or call the numbers below.

Note: The event prices may not include the park entrance cost. Please call Sandy Point State Park at 410-974-2149 for further information.

Chesapeake Bay Blues Festival
Chesapeake Bay Events, Inc.

Bay Swim
The Great Chesapeake Bay Swim, Inc.

Maryland Seafood Festival
ABC Events, Inc.

Chesapeake Bay Lighthouse Challenge
Chesapeake Chapter/U.S. Lighthouse Society

Lights on the Bay
Annual event that takes place from the third week in November until the first week of January. During that time, the park will close at 4 p.m. The event is sponsored by the SPCA.​​​