Community Green Space Guide

Search by Multifunctional Designs

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Pierce’s Park
Millennium Park
Virginia B. Fairbanks Art and Nature Park
Playable Art Park
Take a Riverfront Seat at DC’s Yards Park
Shady Parks in Austin, TX
Providing Bathrooms for Outdoor Recreation is a Dirty, Necessary Job
Perry Lakes Park Restrooms
Major Linear Trails
Druid Hill Park
Parks as Green Infrastructure, Green Infrastructure as Parks
The Impact of Green Space on Heat and Air Pollution in Urban Communities
How Greenery Contributes to Your Health and Wellbeing
The Health Benefits of Parks
Maryland Green Centers
Meadowbrook Park
Pocket Parks
Green Infrastructure: Connected and Multifunctional Green Spaces Landscapes
Living Public Space: Urban Stormwater Management and Human Networks
Minnehaha Off-Leash Dog Park
Dog Parks/ Leash-Free Areas
Bristol’s Parks and Green Space Strategy
Adopt-A-Lot “How To”- Baltimore, MD
Summer Free For All, Portland, OR
Baltimore Greenway Trails Network Coalition
Baltimore Orchard Project, Baltimore, MD
How Cities Use Parks for Arts and Cultural Programming & Infrastructure
​​Cities Connecting Children to Nature
Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems Implementation in Montgomery County, MD
Innovations in Art Parks
SEBA Gardens, Gaithersburg, MD
Park City Transit, Park City, UT
Alternative Transportation in the Parks
Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities Case Examples: Community Gardens
The Parkolation Project, Boston, MA
Lot-By-Lot: Baltimore Strategies for Creating a New Urban Landscape through Vacant Lot Reuse
Druid Hill Park Passport, Baltimore, MD