About the Apprenticeship Hunting License

​For First-time Hunters

NEW: An Apprentice Hunting License is now available for first time hunters. The Apprentice Hunting License is a one-time license available to both residents and nonresidents who have never hunted before.

Satisfactory completion of a short, online hunter safety course is required prior to purchasing the license and the apprentice hunter is required to hunt with a resident at least 18 years old who possesses a valid Maryland non-apprentice hunting license. The Maryland Natural Resources Police (NRP), Safety Education Section provides Hunter Education Courses.

Resident Apprentice Hunting License .................................................................. $10.00
For first-time Maryland resident hunters of any age who never held a Maryland hunting license.

Nonresident Apprentice Hunting License ............................................................. $20.00
For first-time non-resident hunters of any age who never held a Maryland hunting license.

A person may not purchase an Apprentice Hunting License if they have previously obtained any hunting license in Maryland.

Use of an Apprentice Hunting License requires the following:

  • Successful completion of a short, online hunter safety course is required prior to purchasing this license.
  • Appropriate stamps are needed to hunt migratory birds and deer (an Archery Stamp, a Muzzleloader Stamp, and a bonus antlered deer stamp). 
  • The apprentice hunter must be accompanied and directly supervised by a Maryland resident at least 18 years old who possesses a valid Maryland non-apprentice hunting license.
  • The apprentice and mentor hunter must hunt in close proximity so that the mentor can take immediate control of the archery device or firearm.
  • The apprentice hunter can hunt unaccompanied if the full hunter safety course was taken and a Certificate of Competency in Firearms and Hunting Safety was acquired.

Learn how to take the Online Hunter Safety Course and How to Apply for the Apprentice Hunting License:

Click Here if you have a DNR ID

Click Here if you have never had
a hunting or fishing license and need a DNR ID