Land Acquisition and Planning

Maryland's Rural Legacy Advisory Committee

Members of the Advisory Committee have been appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate. The Rural Legacy Advisory Committee is a body composed of representatives from various public and private sectors with an interest in Maryland’s land preservation efforts. The Rural Legacy Advisory Committee (RLAC) meets at least once a year. ​​​They are responsible for reviewing the annual Rural Legacy Sponsor applications in a fair and consistent manner and making recommendations for funding to the Rural Legacy Board.

The Rural Legacy Program encourages local governments and private land trusts to identify Rural Legacy Areas - delineated areas within a county that include both working farms and ecologically significant landscapes that fit the conservation goals of the Program.  Local Sponsors seeking funding must submit an annual grant application to the Rural Legacy Program.​​

Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, the ​annual ​Rural Legacy Advisory Committee meeting is open to the public; however; part of the meeting may be conducted in closed session pursuant to § 3-305(b)(3).  During the open portion of the meeting, if invited by the Chair to participate, the public may comment on the discussion. Please contact Tom McCarthy at if you plan to attend or if you plan to attend and need any accommodations.

Rural Legacy Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

  • Introductions and Overview​
  • Public Comments
  • Consideration of Rural Legacy Applications and Funding (Closed Session)
  • Vote on Rural Legacy Applications and Funding (Closed Session)
  • Return to Open Session
  • Adjournment

The Rural Legacy Advisory Committee consists of:

  • A Trustee of the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation (MALPF)
  • A Trustee of the Maryland Environmental Trust (MET)
  • A representative of the agricultural industry
  • A representative of a non-profit land conservation organization
  • A representative of a non-profit environmental organization
  • A representative of the forest industry
  • A representative of a county government Department of Recreation and Parks
  • A representative of a business organization
  • A private land owner
  • A representative of the mineral resources industry
  • A representative of a municipal organization

​Rural Legacy Advisory Committee

Mary E. "Cricket" Goodall - Chair
Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation
Term: 2024

Mary E. Burke
Maryland Environmental Trust
Term: 2023

Elizabeth Carter
Non Profit Environmental Organization
Term: 2022

Robert F. Cissel, Jr.
Agricultural Industry
Term: 2025

Hon. Steve Klein
Non Profit Land Conservation
Term: 2025

Anthony H. DiPaolo
Forest Industry
Term: 2025

Gregory C. Sterling, Jr.
County Recreation and Parks
Term: 2025

Michael Calkins
Business Organizations
Term: 2025

Jane Griffith Evans
Private Land Owner
Term: 2023

Kyle Landon Murray
Mineral Resources Industry
Term: 2020

Hon. David M. Jenkins
Municipal Corporations
Term: 2024


Membership on the Rural Legacy Advisory Committee (RLAC) is through the Governor's Appointments Office. To submit your name for membership consideration, please go to:

Maryland's Rural Legacy Board

Rural Legacy Program Staff Contacts
