
Tidal and Coastal Recreational Fisheries Committee Links


Tidal and Coastal Recreational Fisheries Committee Membership

Tidal Representation
David Sikorski, Sport Fisheries Advisory Commissioner, Co-Chairperson
Gregory Allen
Chris Buchleitner
Frank Carver
Patrick A Cazalet
Jeff Cleland
Mark Curl
Lawrence Darlington Burkindine
James E Deriu
Sewell "Toby" Frey
Brian Hardman
Albert Hoffman, Jr
Jesse Howe
Donald Johnson
Richard Kuhlman
Rudolph Lukacovic
James McCarter
Kevin McMenamin
Eric Packard
Cyrus S. Picken, Jr.
​Alan Polk
Lenny Rudow
Mustafa Sidik
Felipe Urquilla
Walter N. Vieser II
Damon K Williams
Phil F Zalesak​

Coastal Representation
Scott Lenox, Sport Fisheries Advisory Commissioner, Co-Chairperson
Vince Cannuli
Beverly Fleming
Christopher Mack
Wesley Muller


Chairperson(s): The chairperson(s) shall fill the following roles:

  • Leader - Model leadership and governance behavior; preside in a fair manner; synthesize concepts; forge relationships; work towards committee consensus. Represent committee at Sport Fisheries Advisory Commission meetings to update commission or appoint a member to represent the committee at commission meetings.
  • Meeting Facilitator - Ensure adherence to agenda and operating guidelines; involve membership; explore diversity of opinions and inputs; resolve discussions; facilitate public participation.

Support Staff: Fishing and Boating Services leadership shall designate staff support to the committee. The assigned staff person(s) shall have the following roles:

  • Administrator - Work with co-chairs to prepare and distribute meeting agendas, summaries, and meeting support information. Arrange meeting space, and provide meeting materials and/or resources to facilitate meetings.
  • Attendance - Attend meetings; provide materials for members in absentia; cancel meetings wh​en a quorum is not possible
  • Summary - Maintain a master file of TCRFC meeting agendas, actions, motions, and support information

Participants: Commission members are needed to volunteer for the committee and work to recruit additional standing members. Recognizing that many in recreational fishery overlap into many categories, committee leadership will strive to include those with broad understandings of whole recreational fishery needs, and participants aware of and representative of the many diversities that exist in the Maryland recreational fishery as a whole. Committee members serve four years, with possible reappointment, and may continue to serve until a successor is appointed.​

  • 3+ standing SFAC members that participate in and/or represent tidal and/or coastal recreational fishery stakeholders
  • 5+ standing anglers from the general public that participate in and/or represent tidal and/or coastal recreational fishery stakeholders
  • 2+ fishing industry participants