Meet the Coastal Staff

Steve Doctor

Steve DoctorNatural Resources Biologist provides fisheries management, field, and technical support to the Coastal Fisheries Program. He received a B.S. in biology from Dickinson College in Carlisle, PA and did graduate work in fisheries management at Frostburg State University. Steve is a member of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) Technical Committee for Summer Flounder, Black Sea Bass, Scup and Horseshoe Crabs and the Mid Atlantic Fisheries Management Council (MAFMC) Monitoring Committee for Summer Flounder, Black Sea Bass, and Scup. Steve also serves on the Atlantic Coastal Cooperative Statistics Program (ACCSP) Bycatch Committee, Delaware Bay Ecological Review Committee, and Adaptive Resource Management Committee for the management of Horseshoe Crabs. He has worked for the Department of Natural Resources since 1993 as a coastal fisheries biologist. His interests outside of work include offshore, inshore and spear-fishing.

Gary S. Tyler

Gary TylerNatural Resources Technician performs field and technical support work for the Coastal Fisheries Program (CFP). Gary is also the coordinator of Maryland's Atlantic Bluefin Tuna and Billfish Catch Card Project. He collects data on weakfish and striped bass harvested commercially within Maryland's Coastal Bays and near-shore Atlantic Ocean. Prior to the Coastal Fisheries Program (CFP), Mr. Tyler worked at the Maryland Department of Natural Resource's Deal Island Oyster Hatchery, where he assisted in the spawning and rearing of Crassostrea virginica larvae to be used in the Oyster Recovery Program. Along with oyster propagation, he was responsible for algal production, culturing Isochrysis galbana (T-Iso strain), Chaetoceros muelleri and Thalassiosira pseudonana (strain 3H) to supplement the larval diet. Gary graduated from Salisbury University in 1990 with a B.S. degree in Biology and a minor in Chemistry. While there, he illustrated a lab manual for the Biology 120 lab classes. He received an M.S. in Marine Estuarine and Environmental Science at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore in 1997. His thesis was titled "Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Chemotherapeutant Acriflavine Against the Oyster Parasite Perkinsus marinus". At UMES, Mr. Tyler instructed labs for Biology 111 and Comparative Anatomy. Gary has been with the Department full-time since April 1999 and was a summer technician from 1995 to 1998. He is a member of Conchologists of America.

Angel Willey

Angel WilleyNatural Resources Biologist provides fisheries management, field, and technical support to the Coastal Fisheries Program (CFP). Angel is a member of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) Technical Committee and the Mid Atlantic Fisheries Management Council (MAFMC) Monitoring Committee for spiny dogfish as well as the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) Coastal Shark Technical Committee and the Atlantic Coastal Cooperative Statistics Program (ACCSP) Biological Review Panel. Prior to the Coastal Fisheries Program (CFP), Angel wrote the Fisheries Service Fishing Report, managed the Maryland Sport Fishing Tournament, created the My 1st Fish Program for Maryland, worked on the recreational fisheries website, registered commercial pound nets, assisted with the commercial striped bass fishery, and worked in the Striped Bass Program and Inland Fisheries. Mrs. Willey graduated from Texas A & M University at Galveston with a double major in Marine Biology and Marine Fisheries in 1997. She has been with the Department since July 1998.

Craig Weedon

Craig WeedonNatural Resources Biologist provides fisheries management, field, and technical support to the Coastal Fisheries Program (CFP). Craig is a member of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) Technical Committee for American Lobster. Prior to the Coastal Fisheries Program (CFP), Craig was on a military leave of absence and is a decorated combat veteran. Craig supported Maryland Department of Natural Resources as a Striped Bass Biologist in Annapolis and as an Aquatic Animal Health Biologist in Oxford. He earned his B.S. from the State University of New York and his M.A. from Washington College. Craig holds a USCG Captain's License and is an experienced SCUBA diver and parachutist. He has been with the Department since 1992.