E-Reporting Training

Training to use the FACTSTM electronic reporting system is provided by the Department at various locations and events around the region. Once we have received and processed your request to participate in electronic reporting, you will be contacted by the E-Reporting Program to register for a group training session. If you are unable to attend one of our group sessions, you can make an appointment for individual training at our Annapolis headquarters.

A series of Instructional Videos is also in production to provide an additional resource for self-training and to review the many different features the FACTSTM system offers for customizing your account.

Topics Covered During Training:

Men sitting at a table during a FACTS training
  • Account Information (Login & Password)
  • Setting Your Account/Harvesting Preferences
  • Reporting Options (Computer, Smartphone/Tablet, Call Center and Texting)
  • Best Reporting Practices
  • Submitting Trip Start and End Hails
  • How to Transfer and Manage Your Striped Bass Quota in FACTSTM
  • Harvest Verification
  • How to Access Your Records
  • How to Troubleshoot, Get Assistance and Provide Feedback

What to Bring to Training:

  • Striped Bass pilot program participants should bring their ITQ/Common Pool quota card so that their current/accurate quota amount can be transitioned to FACTSTM.
  • The device you plan to use for reporting (Smartphone/Tablet, Laptop or Cell Phone).
  • Current Contact Information – This includes cell phone number and email address so that you can receive important alerts from FACTSTM. It is best to also update this information in COMPASS, so that the Department always has your most current information regarding your license.
  • Vessel Registration Number (VRN) – For the vessel(s) you use for active harvesting.
  • Landing Location – The complete address(es) for where you usually land your catch. You can look up the complete addresses for Maryland's public water access sites and boat ramps using the Water Access Guide.
  • Preference Details – To help you set up your favorites for gear type, quantity, NOAA codes, crew number and other information you repeatedly use for harvest reporting.
  • Partial Month Harvest Report – For a smooth transition to electronic reporting, the Department will need the harvest information for the part of the month that occurs before your training date. If you usually send in paper harvest reports, you should bring a completed form (crab and/or finfish), that details all your harvest activity for the current month. If you use SAFIS, you should continue to submit your daily reports (negative or with harvest) up to the date of training.

For more information about E-Reporting training or scheduling a training session, please contact Stephanie Richards, the E-Reporting Program Coordinator at FisheriesEReporting.DNR@maryland.gov or 410-260-8314.