Data & Tools

In addition to coastal datasets, online tools for the Coastal Atlas have been developed to support better decision-making and help concerned citizens address specific coastal issues. Users can use the measuring tool to measure shoreline fetch, the draw tool to draw a box around a specific area, or the identify tool to get more information about the data. Users can also work with us to generate targeting queries that help you narrow your focus area.

Enabling Better Decision Making

Having an easy-to-use and transparent platform to share spatial information early in the planning process allows users to identify potential conflicts so that they can then be avoided or addressed. Spatial data are essential for many planning activities, including siting of renewable energy projects, designing restoration projects, and helping communities identify areas vulnerable to sea level rise, flooding, and erosion. The newest layer, BUILD (Beneficial Use - Identifying Locations for Dredge), is helping planners match restoration projects with dredging to reduce costs and promote coastal resilience.

NOAA Digital Coast map

Marine​ Cadastre, was developed through a partnership between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM). is an integrated marine information system that provides data, tools, and technical support for ocean and Great Lakes planning.

NOAA Digital Coast map

NOAA Digital Coast

Digital Coast is a partnership initiated by the NOAA Office for Coastal Management to meet the unique needs of the coastal management community. The website provides not only coastal data, but also the tools, training, and information coastal communities n​eed to turn data into useful information.​

Marco Map

MARCO Data Portal

The MARCO Portal connects agency, industry, and community leaders who are shaping the future of our ocean to the best available data on ocean science, maps, and each other through a state-of-the art data visualization, storytelling, and networking platform. The Portal features more than 200 ocean resource and human use data layers.​