The Aquatic Resources Education Program

NEW!! Resources for at Home Learning about Nature

The programs are now aligned with Maryland’s new Environmental Literacy and Common Core Standards.

Check out our programs for your classroom or school site.
For more about Environmental Literacy in Maryland go to:

Young girl learning about water qualityThe Aquatic Resources Education Program is part of the Department of Natural Resources’ Chesapeake and Coastal Service.

The goal of Maryland’s Aquatic Resources Education (ARE) Program is to provide opportunities for Maryland’s residents to learn about water resources, aquatic life and sport fishing; to learn about their role in ecosystems, including positive and negative impacts; to develop an environmental stewardship ethic; and to take action in the protection and conservation of aquatic natural resources.

Maryland’s ARE Program enables students to develop an appreciation and understanding of aquatic habitats in Maryland. The ARE Program accomplishes this by providing education materials and programs, training and other opportunities to Maryland’s educators and young people, and by providing incentives to learn more about the Chesapeake Bay and its watershed, aquatic life, inland streams, wetlands, lakes and ponds.

Seine Netting Cecil County Maryland 
Sport Fish Restoration 