Maryland Clean Marina Initiative

Boats docked at a marina.

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources' exciting Clean Marina Initiative offers marina and boatyard operators, and recreational boaters the opportunity to participate in efforts to protect Maryland's natural resources.

The Maryland Clean Marina Initiative recognizes and promotes marinas, boatyards and yacht clubs of any size that meet legal requirements and voluntarily adopt pollution prevention practice​s. The department has certified nearly 25 percent of Maryland’s estimated 600 marinas as Clean Marinas or Clean Marina Partners and we aim to continue increasing this number moving forward.

Boaters are encouraged to patronize certified Clean Marinas and to adopt clean boating habits. ​The collective effort of individuals and businesses will improve the quality of Maryland's waters from Deep Creek Lake, to the Chesapeake Bay, to the coastal bays!​​

Resources For Marine Facilities


Resources for Boaters


Resources for Professional Divers

Sign the Maryland Clean Diver Pledge to demonstrate your commitment to using best practices when working in Maryland waters.

Resources for Boating Instructors

For information on the program or to seek certification, please contact Donna Morrow at