DNR Organizational Chart

DNR Organization Chart - text version below​​​​​

Maryland Department of Natural Resources Organization Chart

Effective 3/24​/202​3

Secretary, ​Josh Kurtz

Senior Bay Restoration Coordinator Vacant

Natural Resources Police Vacant

Deputy Secretary/Chief Operating Officer​ David Goshorn, PhD​

Office of Communications Eric Shirk

Office of the Attorney Shara ​Alpert​

Legislative & Constituent Services Emily Wilson, Acting

Enterprise Services Vacant

Human Resource Service and Employee Development Momoh Conteh

Office of Fair Practices Paulette Walker

Licensing and Registration Service Amanda Wilson

Finance and Administrative Service Katina Conn

Audit and Management Review Sharon Maenner Carrick

Information Technology Deshaun Steele​

Land Resources Philip Hager

Maryland Park Service Vacant​

Maryland Forest Service ​Kenneth Jolly

Wildlife and Heritage Service Paul A. Peditto

Land Acquisition and Planning Hilary Bell, Acting

Engineering and Construction Perry Otwell

Maryland Environmental Trust John Turgeon

Aquatic Resources Kristen Fidler

Chesapeake and Coastal Service Christine Conn, Acting

Fishing and Boating Services Lynn Waller Fegley, Acting

Resource Assessment Service Richard Ortt​

Critical Area Commission Charles C. Deegan​