Millington Wildlife Management Area

A narrow trail winding through the woods. Spring-time at Millington.

The land in Millington has a rich history and was once the home of the Lenni Lenape Indians. Collections of artifacts from this period are on display at the area office.

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Millington Wildlife Management Area is managed by the Wildlife and Heritage Service. The mission of the Wildlife and Heritage Service is to conserve and enhance diverse wildlife populations and associated habitats while providing for public enjoyment of the State’s wildlife resources through hunting and other wildlife-dependent recreation.

Millington fulfills several roles including habitat protection for endangered species, providing hunting and outdoor recreation, and demonstrating wildlife management techniques. This 4,000 acre parcel is located in eastern Kent County and consists of hardwood forests with some pine stands, various types of wetlands, fallow managed fields, meadow plantings, and open agricultural fields. The agricultural fields are planted with crops to provide habitat and winter food for upland wildlife species. Certain fields are designated as Managed Dove Fields. Management activities largely focus on early successional habitat management. Early successional habitat areas are maintained through a variety of techniques such as prescribed burning, disking, herbicide application, mowing and forestry mulching.

The mixture of habitats at Millington WMA support a variety of wildlife species, such as whitetail deer, turkeys, gray squirrels, rabbits, quail, woodcock and waterfowl, as well as furbearers and songbirds.

The "Delmarva Bays," a series of shallow depressions which are filled with water most of the year, are the subject of local lore. These depressions are said to be the results of struggling whales, stranded after the biblical flood receded. Whatever their origin, these water holes are the place to find not only nesting waterfowl, but also salamanders. Spring is the time to observe the unusual courtship dance of the woodcock. You might also hear endangered barking tree frogs singing in the forested wetlands. The Delmarva Bays are shallow wetlands supporting fragile ecosystems that should not be walked in.

Regulations for All Users

Unless otherwise posted or with a permit issued by the Service it is UNLAWFUL to:
  • Operate or possess a vehicle on roads, trails, or waterways not open to general traffic.
  • Bait or feed wildlife.
  • Use or construct permanent blinds or tree stands. All portable blinds or stands must be removed at the end of the day.
  • Ignite, cause to be ignited, or maintain a fire.
  • Camp
  • Remove, disturb, damage, or destroy any mineral, plant, rock, tree, or nongame animal.
  • Have dogs off leash from April 15 through August 15.
  • Use dogs to chase fox and raccoons.
  • Release any animal or plant.
  • Conduct commercial activities.
  • Place a cache for the purpose of geocaching.
  • Operate, possess, or use combustibles, explosives, or fireworks.
  • Dig for relics and treasures, remove prehistoric or historic artifacts, or use a metal detector without a permit from the Office of Archeology.
  • Deposit litter or refuse including, but not limited to, animal carcasses, appliances, brush, debris, furniture, garbage, hazardous material, tires, waste paper, yard waste, or other litter.
  • Vandalize real property including any blind, building, crop, equipment, gate, habitat, plant, road, sign, trail, vehicle, vessel, or other public property.
  • Graze cattle, goats, horses, sheep, or other domestic animals.
  • Place decoys prior to 1 hour before legal shooting hours, leave decoys overnight, or remove decoys later than 1 hour after legal shooting hours.
  • Target shoot​.


Public hunting on Millington WMA is permitted during legal hunting seasons with restrictions (see below). Hunting is available for all legal game species in accordance with current hunting laws and regulations established by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources.

  • A free permit and reservation is required to use the 4 Waterfowl Blinds and during Spring Turkey Season. Click here to apply for the Free Public Hunting Permit. All other hunting does not require a permit or reservation.
  • Hunting is permitted Monday through Saturday year-round. No hunting is allowed on Sundays.
  • Waterfowl hunting is allowed along any stream, pond, impoundment, or field without a permit or reservation. Hunters must be 250 yards away from an established blind site.
  • Managed Dove Fields are restricted in the month of September. Hunting in the Managed Dove Fields is allowed Opening Day, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays from noon until 5:00pm. After September, dove hunting is allowed all legal days and times.
  • During Spring Turkey Season reservations are required daily from opening day through the second Saturday. Twenty-four reservations are available per day. After the second Saturday hunting is allowed Monday through Saturday without a reservation.​
  • Permitted hunting devices include all legal devices allowed in Kent County.
  • Some provisions exist for licensed vehicle use on trails for hunters with a Universal Disability Pass. (See map for Universal Disability Pass access areas)
  • Trapping is allowed by permit only. Contact the Millington Wildlife Office at 410-928-3650 for more information.

Non-Hunting Users

Millington WMA is open year-round to non-hunters. No permit or reservation is needed. Be aware of active hunting seasons. The property is open for the following activities:

  • Hiking
  • Fishing
  • Biking on established trails
  • Bird Watching
  • Nature Photography
  • Dogs must be leashed from April 15 through August

Millington WMA is located in Kent county on Maryland's eastern shoreDirections

From the Bay Bridge, take U.S. Route 50/301 to the split. Proceed on Route 301 north. From Delaware and northern points, take Route 301 south. From MD Route 301, take MD Route 313 east to Massey. Proceeding straight, route numbers will change from Route 313 East to Route 330 East. The Millington WMA Office is located 1.5 miles out of town on the left. Nineteen marked parking areas are distributed throughout the area. For additional information, contact the Millington WMA Work Center at 410-928-3650. For additional information on permits or reservations, contact the Gwynnbrook Wildlife and Heritage Service Office at 410-356-9272.

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This area is a part of Maryland’s Department of Natural Resources public land system and is managed by the Wildlife and Heritage Service. The primary mission of the WMA system is to conserve and enhance wildlife populations and their respective habitats as well as to provide public recreational use of the State’s wildlife resources.

Eighty-five percent of the funding for Maryland's state wildlife programs comes from hunting license fees and a federal excise tax on sport hunting devices and ammunition. The federal aid funds are derived from the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration (or Pittman-Robertson) Fund, which sportsmen and women have been contributing to since 1937. Each state receives a share of the funds, which is administered by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service; these funds are used for wildlife conservation and hunter education programs, including the management of the WMA system.

Other sources of funds for land acquisition include Program Open Space Funding for Maryland's State and local parks and conservation areas, provided through The Department of Natural Resources' Program Open Space. Established in 1969, Program Open Space symbolizes Maryland's long-term commitment to conserving natural resources while providing exceptional outdoor recreation opportunities.​

