Field Guide to Maryland's Frogs and Toads (Order Anura)

Mountain Chorus Frog (Pseudacris brachyphona)

Adult Mountain Chorus Frog, photo courtesy of Don Forester
Former Name:

  • 1 to 1 1/4 inches
  • Record: 1 1/2 inches

  • A small treefrog, but with a robust body shape
  • Dorsal coloration ranges from yellowish to light brown or tan, with two distinctive curved dark bands, like reversed parentheses. These stripes may be separated or may be close enough to touch and form an "X".
  • Light line on the upper lip distinguishes this from the Northern Spring Peeper
  • Dark triangle often, but not always, present between the eyes.


Photo of  Habitat for Mountain Chorus Frog, courtesy of Rebecca Chalmers
Photo of  Habitat for
Mountain Chorus Frog,
courtesy of Rebecca Chalmers

  • Prefers moist hillside forests and floodplains.

  • Requires vernal pools for breeding

  • May also be found in drainage ditches.

  • How to Find:
  • In Maryland, this frog is found only on the Allegheny Plateau of Allegany and Garrett Counties.

  • Listen for its high pitched trill, similar to the ascending notes produced by running a finger up a comb.

  • Distinguished from the Upland Chorus Frog by the shorter trill interval and its unique location.

  • Distribution in Maryland:
    Found only in Garrett and Allegany counties. This species is listed as state Endangered. If found, please report sightings to the Maryland Wildlife and Heritage Service.
    Maryland Distribution Map for Mountain Chorus Frog
    For More Information: