Deer Damage Management Techniques

Managed Hunting

Managed or controlled hunting is a highly organized effort aimed at reducing the local deer population. These hunts are strictly controlled and remain a safe, effective method of reducing the local deer herd. As with all of the lethal deer management techniques, emphasis is placed on removing antlerless deer. The Deer Project staff can guide corporations, government facilities and communities in the processes required to have a managed hunt.

Maryland’s Deer Project strives to help Maryland’s residents resolve urban and suburban deer problems. A list of services are provided below.

Community Deer Management Assistance

Upon request from a community representative, a DNR wildlife biologist can meet to discuss the various deer management techniques that are available and can assist the community in determining the most appropriate deer management techniques for them. Communities must collectively decide which technique(s) are best for them.

Corporate Deer Management Assistance

Upon request from a corporation representative, a DNR wildlife biologist can meet to discuss the various deer management techniques that are available and can assist in identifying those methods most appropriate for the company.

Governmental Deer Management Assistance

Upon request from a government agency representative, a DNR wildlife biologist can provide assistance by consulting government agencies on the most appropriate deer management techniques for them, and assist them in designing a plan to help them manage the deer on properties they control.

For more information, contact:

George Timko
Assistant Deer Project Leader/Urban Deer Biologist
Wildlife & Heritage Service
Department of Natural Resources
11701 Mountain Road, N.E.
Flintstone, MD 21530

(301) 478-2314 (office)
(301) 777-9723 (fax)

Maryland Deer Damage Management Techniques