Tuckahoe State Park

Tuckahoe State Park Triathlon - June 10, 2023

The 2023​ Tuckahoe Triathlon is comprised of a two-mile run, ten-mile road bicycle course, and a one-mile paddle course. The race starts at 8:00am on June 10th, 2023. Race check-in will start at 7:15am. Participants should have canoes/kayaks and bicycles in place by 7:30am. There will be a pre-race meeting at 7:50am at starting line. Questions and comments may be directed to: Tuckahoe.statepark@maryland.gov​ or call 410-820-1668.

Course Description

The starting line for the run is near the lakeshore of the Lake Picnic Area at Tuckahoe State Park. The course proceeds along the lake to the comfort station, and then enters the physical fitness trail that winds through the pinewoods for two miles and emerges on the east edge of the parking lot. The runners mount their bicycles here, ride to the parking lot entrance, turn right on Crouse Mill Road, and proceed in a clockwise loop, taking each first right turn until they return to the bike rack. From this point, race participants must proceed through the parking lot and down the paved service road towards the lake shoreline where their canoe or kayak will be waiting for them. Park personnel will be available to provide assistance in launching vessels. The paddle portion of the race is marked with alternating red and white buoys. The finish line is near the large pines in the southeast corner of the lake.

Turns and changes in the run will be marked. It is recommended that all participants visit the race site prior to the event in order to familiarize themselves with the triathlon course. The bike rack will be on the east side of the parking lot. All bikes must be in the rack and will be monitored by park staff from 7:30am until conclusion of the award ceremony. There will be a water/aid station at the end of the run and at the finish line.

COVID Precautions

Participants should not race if they have any of the following within 10 days before the race: cough (either new or different than your usual cough), fever or chills, sore throat, unusual muscle pain or headache, new loss of taste or smell, or a positive COVID test.

Participants should provide their own reusable water bottle.  The aid station will have water pitchers to refill.​


  1. Participants will be at starting area at 7:50am for pre-race meeting. Vessels and bicycles must be in place by 7:30am. 
  2. Because of the narrowness of the trail through the woods it is necessary that all runners should cooperate in reducing the width of the pack by the time they enter the woods. On the physical fitness trail all runners will make room for passing at the call of "track" or equivalent. 
  3. Drafting is not allowed on the bike course except by team members. 
  4. Participants will have help carrying the canoe or kayak to the water by designated volunteers only. Only participants may launch their vessels. 
  5. Inadvertent contact with other participants should be avoided but disqualifying fouls will be called only for apparent willful interference with others. Protest of willful interference may be made at the end of the race. 
  6. All participants will wear a shirt and keep the assigned number pinned to it. They must display the number clearly. 
  7. All types and sizes of canoes and kayaks may be used. The park staff will decide doubtful cases. Approved PFD's must be in the possession of each participant. Paddleboards are not permitted.
  8. The race will be held rain or shine, but will be delayed for thunderstorms, extreme fog or high winds. If these should develop during the race, it will end with the bicycle leg. 
  9. For adult participants, bicycle helmets are not required, but their use is highly recommended. Youth under the age of 16 must wear a helmet.​

Canoeing phase of Tuckahoe TriathlonRegistration

The Tuckahoe Triathlon is open to anyone aged ten and older who is capable of sustained exercise. Teams of a male and female may enter or teams of parent/child.

Advanced registration required by JUNE 2​​, 2023 (space is limited); no day-of registration. ONLINE REGISTRATION
Click here to reg​​ister​.
​ A non-refundable registration fee of $20.00/individuals or $30.00/team can be mailed to the park (13070 Crouse Mill Road, Queen Anne, MD 21657) or paid via cash/check at check-in.

Participants are responsible for supplying bicycles and vessels. However, a limited number of canoes are available by reservation for an extra charge of $5.00.

All participants will receive a Tuckahoe Triathlon T-shirt after participating in the event.


First and second place plaques will be awarded for each of the following divisions:

  • Male (under 40)
  • Female (under 40)
  • Male (over 40)
  • Female (over 40)
  • Doubles (under 40; female & male)
  • ​Doubles (over 40; female & male)
  • Parent/Child – (child must be between the ages of 10-16)

Awards will handed out after the last participant has completed the course..


This course is good for spectators. The beginning of each leg is a short distance from the parking lot. The berm on the south shore of the lake is an excellent observation point for the whole canoe course and the finish will be right off the shore from it. Participants will use the parking lot; no cars will be allowed to exit or enter the parking lot until the race has ended. The Lake Picnic Area will be closed to traffic after 7:30am.

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