
Boards and Commissions

​​The Department of Natural Resources is one of 18 principal departments of Maryland State Government. As an executive agency, the Department of Natural Resources is headed by the Secretary of Natural Resources, who is appointed by and reports directly to the Governor.

As is the case in many state agencies, the Governor, the Department of Natural Resources, and state government as a whole benefit from the expertise of private citizens and public servants through a series of statutory boards and commissions authorized by the Governor or General Assembly. At the discretion of the Secretary, additional ad hoc committees may be appointed to participate in policy discussions.

These special boards are assigned specific responsibilities or areas of inquiry, and are sometimes mandated to complete their work by a prescribed date. In assisting the Governor and departmental leadership, they may receive staffing or other administrative support from the department.

The following is an alphabetized list of department’s currently authorized boards and commissions that include public members, and information on membership and areas of responsibility. Click on the board that interests you to obtain more details.

​​To submit your name for membership consideration on a commission, please go to: http://govappointments.maryland.gov/​​​​

collapse Category : BAYS AND STREAMS ‎(7)
Coast Smart Council
Established for the purposes of adopting specific Coast Smart siting and design criteria to address impacts associated with sea level rise and coastal flooding on future capital projects.
Membership: 10 ex officio plus 5 public members
Term: Indefinite
Meeting: Annually
Authority: NR Art. 3-1001 through 2-1004
Public Members Appointed by: Governor
Unit Contact: Chesapeake and Coastal Service/Ryland Taylor - ryland.taylor@maryland.gov
Coastal and Watershed Resources Advisory Committee (CWRAC)
Advises Secretary and Program Manager on Coastal Resource Management
Membership: 45 Public Members (Local Gov’t, Citizens, Business, Environmental and Marine)
Term: 2 Years
Requirements: Ability to represent constituent interests and interest in coastal resources
Meeting: 2 times/ year
Authority: COMAR- Member Organizations appoint reps §1-102, 1-105, and 4-204
Public Members Appointed by:
Unit Contact: Chesapeake & Coastal Service/ Chris Aadland 410-260-8984
Coastal States Organization (CSO)
Represent Governors of 35 Coastal States on Coastal and Marine Affairs on Federal Gov’t level.
Membership: 35 Public Members; 1 MD Delegate; 1 MD Alternate
Term: Indefinite
Requirements: Practical knowledge of coastal resource issues and CZM Program
Meeting: 2 times/ year
Authority: Governor
Public Members Appointed by:
Unit Contact: Chesapeake and Coastal Service/ Gwynne Schultz 410 260-8735
Critical Area Commission for the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays
Independent oversight of 63 county and municipal Critical Area Programs
Membership: 22 Public Members/7 Secretaries from Planning, MDOT,Eco. And Bus. Development, Housing and Community Development, DNR, MDE, MDA
Term: 21 members serve 4 year terms, can be appointed for second 4 year term. Chairman serves at the pleasure of the Governor
Requirements: Local elected or appointed officials; other diverse interests
Meeting: Monthly
Authority: NR Art. 8-1804/ Governor
Public Members Appointed by: Governor/Senate
Unit Contact: Critical Area Commission/ Ren Serey 410-260-3462
Maryland Coastal Bays Foundation
Oversee implementation of the Coastal Bays Program
Membership: 1 State; 1 County; 1 City; 1 Federal; and 3 Public Members
Term: Indefinite
Requirements: Practical knowledge of Coastal Bays issues
Meeting: Monthly
Authority: DNR Secretary
Public Members Appointed by:
Unit Contact: Chesapeake and Coastal Service/ Kristen Fleming 410-260-8813
State Water Quality Advisory Committee
Advises  State agencies that receive EPA funding on water quality related matters
Membership: 32 Public Members
Term: Three Years
Requirements: Interest in Issues
Meeting: First Friday of every even month at MDE
Authority: DNR & MDE Secretaries
Public Members Appointed by:
Unit Contact: Chesapeake and Coastal Service/ Sherm Garrison 410-260-8624
Water Monitoring Council
Collaborative body to achieve effective collection, interpretation and dissemination of environmental data
Membership: 21 Public Members
Term: 3 yr staggered for 7 appoint. per year
Requirements: Represent diverse water monitoring interests
Meeting: Quarterly
Authority: Established by the Secretary/ Secretarial
Public Members Appointed by:
Unit Contact: Resource Assessment Service/ Katherine Hanna 410-260-8609
collapse Category : BAYS AND STREAMS, PUBLIC LANDS ‎(1)
Deep Creek Lake Policy & Review Board
Advise DNR on DCL management
Membership: 10 Public Members: 5 appointed by the Governor; 1 local delegate & 1 local senator; 3 local appointments.
Term: No set terms for all 10 members
Meeting: Quarterly
Authority: NR Art. 5-216-(b)(1)/ Governor Secretarial Rec.
Public Members Appointed by: Governor
Unit Contact: Public Lands/ Eric Null 301-387-5563
collapse Category : BOATING ‎(3)
Boat Act Advisory Committee
Advise Secretary on proposed changes to boat regulations.
Membership: Up to 21 Public Members
Term: 3 Year
Meeting: Up to 6 times annually
Authority: NR Art. 8-704(g) COMAR 08.04.02/ Secretarial
Public Members Appointed by: DNR Secretary
Unit Contact: Fishing and Boating Services/Customer Service 410-260-8300
Boat Dealers Advisory Committee
Liaison between DNR & MTAM-Licensing Boat Dealers
Membership: 12 Public Members + 5 Ex Officio
Term: Indefinite
Requirements: Members of Boating Industry
Meeting: Secretary Direction
Authority: Governor/ Secretarial Reccommendation
Public Members Appointed by:
Unit Contact: Licensing & Registration/ Sharon Carrick 410-260-3233
Somers Cove Marina Commission
Oversee the operations of Somers Cove Marina
Membership: 7 – 6 Public Members, 1 State Employee
Term: 4 years with one extension
Requirements: 7 – 6 Public Members, 1 State Employee
Meeting: At least every two months
Authority: NR Art. 5-908.1 /Secretarial, City of Crisfield and Somerset County
Public Members Appointed by: DNR Secretary, Somerset County, Mayor of Crisfield
Unit Contact: John Gallagher 410-643-1179
collapse Category : FISH ‎(20)
Aquaculture Coordinating Council
Advise the Governor, Senate Education, Health and Environmental Affairs  and House Environmental Matters Committees on matters related to aquaculture in Maryland.
Membership: 11 Public Members, 2 State Legislators, 6 Governor Appointed Members
Term: Indefinite for public and legislators, 3 years for appointed members.
Requirements: Represent diverse aquaculture interests, aquaculture industry and Tidal  Fisheries License holders (commercial fishermen).
Meeting: 6 times/year
Authority: NR Art. 4-11A-03.2 (2011)
Public Members Appointed by: Governor
Unit Contact: Fishing and Boating Services/Customer Service 410-260-8300
Artificial Reef Committee
Advise the Department and State Fishery Advisory Commissions on matters regarding the development, monitoring and management of artificial reefs in Maryland Bay and Ocean waters.
Membership: 15 Public Members, 1 representative each from Maryland Historical Trust, Maryland Environmental Service and DNR.
Term: 2 Years
Requirements: Represent diverse recreational angling interests of Maryland.
Meeting: Bi-annually
Public Members Appointed by: Secretary
Unit Contact: Fishing and Boating Services/ Michael Malpezzi 410-260-8290
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission
Advise Gov. on issues relating to Atlantic Fisheries in State water
Membership: 3 consisting of DNR Fisheries Service Director, a State Legislator, and an individual appointed by the Governor.
Term: 3 Year term and can be reappointed.
Requirements: Knowledge & Interest in Marine Fisheries
Meeting: Quarterly
Authority: NR Art. 4-302 / Governor Senate Pres. Speaker of the House/ Secretary DNR
Public Members Appointed by: Governor/Senate
Unit Contact: Fishing and Boating Services/Michael Luisi 410-260-8341 and Lynn Fegley 410-260-8285
Black Bass Advisory Committee
Advise the Department and Sport Fisheries Advisory Commission regarding the long-term sustainability of the state's black bass fisheries
Membership: 10 Public Members
Term: 4 Years and can be re-appointed.
Requirements: Knowledge and interest in MD black bass management and recreational fisheries
Meeting: Quarterly
Authority: DNR Fishing and Boating Services Director
Public Members Appointed by: Sport Fisheries Advisory Commission
Unit Contact: Fishing and Boating Services/Joe Love 410-260-8257
Blue Crab Industry Advisory Committee
Advise the Department and Tidal Fisheries Advisory Commission on matters concerning the blue crab commercial fishing industry.
Membership: 23 Public Members
Term: 2 Years and can be re-appointed.
Requirements: Commercial blue crab fishermen or industry leader.
Meeting: As required
Authority: DNR Fisheries Service Director
Public Members Appointed by: Fisheries Director
Unit Contact: Fishing and Boating Services/Genine McClair 443-221-8010
Chesapeake Bay Stock Assessment Committee
State representatives and scientists from the Chesapeake Bay region with federal fisheries scientists advise on blue crab survey and management
Membership: 15 Members from  State/Federal Agencies and Universities
Meeting: Semi-annually
Authority: Coordinated by NOAA
Public Members Appointed by:
Unit Contact: ishing and Boating Services - Genine McClair 443-221-8010 and Glenn Davis (410) 643-4601 x2100
Coastal Bays Fishery Advisory Committee
Advises Fisheries Service Director
Membership: 15 Public Members
Term: None
Requirements: 3 Years and can be re-appointed
Meeting: Quarterly
Authority: Invitation
Public Members Appointed by:
Unit Contact: Fisheries/ Angel Willey 410-260-8270
Coldwater Fisheries Advisory Committee
Advise the Department and Sport Fisheries Advisory Commission regarding coldwater fisheries management and protection.
Membership: 13 Public Members
Term: 4 Years and can be re-appointed.
Requirements: Knowledge of and interest in Maryland coldwater fisheries management.
Meeting: As required
Authority: DNR Fishing and Boating Services Director
Public Members Appointed by: Fishing and Boating Services Director
Unit Contact: Fishing and Boating Services/Matt Lawrence 410-442-2080
Commercial Striped Bass Industry Committee
Advise the Department and Tidal Fisheries Advisory Committee on matters concerning the striped bass commercial fishing industry.
Membership: 24 Public Members
Term: 2 Years and can be re-appointed.
Requirements: Commercial striped bass fishermen or industry leader.
Meeting: As required
Authority: DNR Fisheries Director
Public Members Appointed by: Fisheries Director
Unit Contact: Fisheries/ Mike Luisi 410-260-8281
Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council
Management of fisheries in EEZ (3-200 miles) of Atlantic Ocean
Membership: 1 member is the State Fisheries Director/Proxy and 2 Public Members
Term: 3 year terms, Can be re-elected for a maximum of 3 terms
Requirements: 1 obligated Maryland Public Member who represents marine fisheries interests.  Potential for 2 MD public members with one serving in an at-large seat
Meeting: Every 8 weeks
Authority: Secretary of Commerce (U. S.)/ Governors recommendations  Magnuson Fishery Conservation And Management Act of 1976
Public Members Appointed by: Govenor recommends
Unit Contact: Fisheries/ Mike Luisi 410-260-8341
Oyster Advisory Commission
Advise the Department on matters related to oysters in the Maryland's portion of the Chesapeake and Coastal Bays.
Membership: 16 Public Members, 4 State Legislators
Term: Indefinite
Requirements: Represent diverse oyster interests in Maryland.
Meeting: Six to eight times annually
Authority: NR Art. 1-102, 1-105, & 4-204
Public Members Appointed by: DNR Secretary
Unit Contact:  Eric Campbell 410-260-8261 Eric.campbell@maryland.gov
Oystermen Committee: Licensed Dredgers
Advise the Department on statewide issues concerning oyster propagation, re: dredging
Membership: Public Members variable: can range from < 5 to 15
Term: Four years
Requirements: Have a paid oyster surcharge and earn their living harvesting oysters
Meeting: Once per year as a minimum, but meets more often as needed
Authority: NR §4-1106(b)(2)
Public Members Appointed by: watermen vote
Unit Contact: Frank Marenghi 410-260-8302 Frank.marenghi@maryland.gov
Oystermen Committee: Statewide Committee
Advise the Department on statewide issues concerning oyster propagation
Membership: Public Members variable: can range from < 5 to 15
Term: Four years
Requirements: Have a paid oyster surcharge and earn their living harvesting oysters
Meeting: Once per year as a minimum, but meets more often as needed
Authority: NR §4-1106(b)
Public Members Appointed by:
Unit Contact: Frank Marenghi 410-260-8302 Frank.marenghi@maryland.gov
Oystermen Committee: Using Diving Apparatus
Advise the Department on statewide issues concerning oyster propagation, re: diving
Membership: Public Members variable: can range from < 5 to 15
Term: Four years
Requirements: Have a paid oyster surcharge and earn their living harvesting oysters
Meeting: Once per year as a minimum, but meets more often as needed
Authority: NR §4-1106(b)(3)
Public Members Appointed by: watermen vote
Unit Contact: Frank Marenghi 410-260-8302 Frank.marenghi@maryland.gov
Oystermen Committee: Using Patent Tongs
Advise the Department on statewide issues concerning oyster propagation, re: patent tonging
Membership: Public Members variable: can range from < 5 to 15
Term: Four years
Requirements: Have a paid oyster surcharge and earn their living harvesting oysters
Meeting: Once per year as a minimum, but meets more often as needed
Authority: NR §4-1106(b)(4)
Public Members Appointed by: watermen vote
Unit Contact: Frank Marenghi 410-260-8302 Frank.marenghi@maryland.gov
Oystermen County Committees: Licensed Tongers
Advise the Department on statewide issues concerning oyster propagation, re: tonging
Membership: Public Members variable: can range from < 5 to 15
Term: Four years
Requirements: Have a paid oyster surcharge and earn their living harvesting oysters
Meeting: Once per year as a minimum, but meets more often as needed
Authority: NR §4-1106(b)(1)
Public Members Appointed by: watermen vote
Unit Contact: Frank Marenghi 410-260-8302 Frank.marenghi@maryland.gov
Potomac River Fisheries Commission
Health of Aquatic Species Fishery Management
Membership: 8 Members - 4 appointed each by MD and VA Governors. One seat is filled by each respective State's Fisheries Director, and the other 3 seats for reach State by Public Members
Term: 4 Years and can be re-appointed.
Requirements: Knowledge and interest in fisheries management.
Meeting: Quarterly
Authority: NR Art.4-306(1)(2)/ Secretaries of MD/VA & 3 member At-large from ea. State
Public Members Appointed by: Governor/Senate
Unit Contact: Lynn Fegley 410-260-8285
Sport Fisheries Advisory Commission
Advise the Department on matters concerning recreational fisheries interests.
Membership: 16 Public Members
Term: 4 Years and can be re-appointed.
Requirements: 16 individuals represent diverse recreational fisheries interests from across the State and 1 member from the TFAC
Meeting: Quarterly
Authority: NR Art. 1-102 & 4-204/ Governor Secretarial Rec.
Public Members Appointed by: Governor
Unit Contact: Fishing and Boating Services/Paul Genovese 443-534-3627 
Tidal and Coastal Recreational Fisheries Advisory Committee
Advise the Department and Sport Fisheries Advisory Commission regarding tidal and coastal fisheries issues.
Membership: At least 10 public members
Term: 3 years and can be re-appointed
Requirements: Knowledge of and interest in Maryland's tidal and/or coastal recreational fisheries.
Meeting: As required
Authority: DNR Fishing and Boating Services Director
Public Members Appointed by: Fishing andBoating Services Director and Sport Fisheries Advisory Commission
Unit Contact: Fishing and Boating Services/Erik Zlokovitz 410-260-8324
Tidal Fisheries Advisory Commission
Advise the Department on matters concerning commercial fisheries interests.
Membership: 15 Public Members
Term: 2 Years and can be re-appointed.
Requirements: 15 represent diverse commercial interests across the State and 1 member from the SFAC
Meeting: Quarterly
Authority: NR Art. 4-204(a)(2) / Governor Secretarial Rec.
Public Members Appointed by: Governor
Unit Contact: Fishing and Boating Services/Paul Genovese 443-534-3627 
collapse Category : FORESTS AND TREES ‎(6)
Forest Conservancy District Boards
Assist DNR-Forest Service in promoting sustainable Forestry Practices
Membership: 24 Local County Boards 200+
Term: 3 Years
Requirements: Interest in Sustainable Forestry Practices
Meeting: Per Board (Usually Monthly)
Authority: NR Art. 5-605/ Director
Public Members Appointed by: DNR Secretary
Unit Contact: Forest Service/ Becky Wilson 301-777-5591
Forest Stewardship Coordinating Committee
Development of Stewardship Plans
Membership: 21 Organizations
Term: TBD
Requirements: Represents an Environmental Organization Interested in Forestry
Meeting: As Needed (usually 2X/ year)
Authority: Farm Bill/ Director
Public Members Appointed by:
Unit Contact: Forest Service/ Dan Rider, 410-260-8583
Green Ridge State Forest Citizens Advisory Committee
Provides recommendations for the development and implementation of the forest management plan for Green Ridge State Forest
Membership: 11
Term: Until Replaced
Requirements: Balanced interests: forest, recreation, landowner, environmental etc.
Meeting: 2 times/year
Authority: Internal DNR Policy/Secretary
Public Members Appointed by:
Unit Contact: Forest Service/ Jack Perdue 410-260-8505
Potomac Garrett State Forest Citizens Advisory Committee
Provides recommendations for the development and implementation of the forest management plan for Potomac Garrett State Forest
Membership: 11
Term: Until Replaced
Requirements: Balanced interests: forest, recreation, landowner, environmental etc.
Meeting: 2 times/year
Authority: Internal DNR Policy/Secretary
Public Members Appointed by:
Unit Contact: Forest Service/ Jack Perdue 410-260-8505
Savage River State Forest Citizens Advisory Committee
Provides recommendations for the development and implementation of the forest management plan for Savage River State Forest.
Membership: 11
Term: Until Replaced
Requirements: Balanced interests: forest, recreation, landowner, environmental etc.
Meeting: 2 times/year
Authority: Internal DNR Policy/Secretary
Public Members Appointed by:
Unit Contact: Forest Service/ Jack Perdue 410-260-8505
Sustainable Forestry Council
Advises director on sustainable forestry issues.
Membership: 9 Public Members
Term: Appointed until replaced
Requirements: Representative from forestry stakeholders group.
Meeting: 3-6 Annually
Authority: NR Art. 5-204(c) / Governor Secretarial Recommendation
Public Members Appointed by: Governor
Unit Contact: Forest Service/ Donald VanHassent 410-260-8504
collapse Category : LANDS ‎(1)
Maryland Environmental Trust
Conserve, improve, stimulate, and perpetuate the aesthetic, natural, health and welfare, scenic, and cultural qualities of the environment, including, but not limited to land, water, air, wildlife, scenic qualities, open spaces, buildings or any interest therein, and other appurtenances pertaining in any way to the State. Through educational and other means, the Trust shall encourage and motivate the populace of the State and others to do so and shall promote continuing interest in and the study of these matters. The purpose of the Trust is of general benefit to the citizens of the State, and it is charitable in nature.
Membership: 14 Trustees total: 11 members of the public; Governor or his/her appointee; Speaker of House of Delegates or his/her appointee; President of the Senate or his/her appointee
Term: elected Trustees serve 4 year terms, can be appointed for second consecutive 4 year term.  Current and former Chairmen not subject to term limits.
Requirements: elected Trustees represent the geography of the State and a diversity of the professions
Meeting: at least twice per year; in 2015 meets monthly on first Monday evening of the month except July-August; in 2016 may switch to meet every other month
Authority: NR Art. 3-201
Public Members Appointed by: MET trustees
Unit Contact: Maryland Environmental Trust / William Leahy 410-514-7903
collapse Category : MARYLAND OUTDOOR RECREATION ‎(1)
Maryland Outdoor Recreation Commission
To advise and make reccomendations to the Governor on actions that will strengthen the outdoor economy and Maryland.
Membership: 17 Members
Term: Through December 2019
Authority: Governor
Public Members Appointed by: Governor
Unit Contact: Chesapeake and Coastal Service/Kelly Collins 410-260-8912
collapse Category : PUBLIC LANDS ‎(2)
Park Advisory Commission
Advise DNR on State Parks Issues
Membership: 9 Public Members
Term: 1-3 Years
Requirements: Knowledge and interest in parks and related resource issues
Meeting: Quarterly
Authority: NR Art. 5-204(b) / Governor Secretarial Rec.
Public Members Appointed by: Governor
Unit Contact: Parks/ Amanda Mock 410-260-8178
Rural Legacy Advisory Committee
Advise Rural Legacy Board
Membership: 11 Public Members
Term: 3 Years
Requirements: Set in NR Art. 5-9A-08. Each member represents a specific constituency
Meeting: 1-2 times annually, plus additional meetings as necessary
Authority: NR Art. 5-9A-08(a)(1)/ Governor Secretarial Rec. (Confirmed by Senate)
Public Members Appointed by: Governor/Senate
Unit Contact: Land Acquisition & Planning/ Stacy Schaefer 410-260-8431
collapse Category : PUBLIC LANDS, FORESTS AND TREES ‎(1)
Chesapeake Forest Citizens Advisory Committee
Provides recommendations for the development and implementation of the forest management plan for Chesapeake Forest.
Membership: 11 Public Members
Term: Until completion of the plan
Requirements: Balanced interests: forest, recreation, landowner, environmental, etc.
Meeting: 2 times/year
Authority: Internal DNR Policy/ Secretary
Public Members Appointed by:
Unit Contact: Forest Service/ Jack Perdue 410-410-260-8505
collapse Category : TECHNICAL ‎(4)
Commission of the Maryland Geological Survey
Advises Director of MGS relating to survey responsibilities
Membership: 5 Public Members
Term: 5 years
Requirements: Active interest in geologic, mineral and water resources
Meeting: Once per year
Authority: NR Art. 2-204 / Secretary
Public Members Appointed by: DNR Secretary
Unit Contact: Resource Assessment Service/ Richard Ortt 410-554-5541
Disabilities Advisory Council
Provide DNR ADAAA expert advise on accessible facilities, services, & programs & updating of agency transiton plan.
Membership: 11 members, at least 5 must be People with Disabilities
Public Members Appointed by: DNR Secretary
Unit Contact: Richard Allen 410-260-8058
Geological Mapping Advisory Committee
Produce Geologic map data base for the State
Membership: Broad range of users of geologic maps. No set number
Term: Appointed until replaced
Requirements: Geologic map users
Meeting: At least once per year
Authority: Public Law 106-148 Director/ Maryland Geological Survey
Public Members Appointed by:
Unit Contact: Resource Assessment Service/ Richard Ortt 410-554-5541
Power Plant Research Advisory Committee
Advises DNR on matters relating to the Power Plant Research Program
Membership: 26 Public Members
Term: Indefinite
Meeting: Quarterly, except for special circumstances
Authority: NR Art. 3-303 & 1-102(d)/ Secretary
Public Members Appointed by:
Unit Contact: Resource Assessment Service/ Pete Dunbar 410-260-8665
collapse Category : WILDLIFE ‎(3)
Captive Wildlife Advisory Committee
Provide management recommendations to the Wildlife & Heritage Service on the development of policy, procedure and regulations for rehabilitation of injured wildlife.
Membership: 7 Public Members
Term: 3 Years
Requirements: Specific provisions in statute: includes requirements for each member.
Meeting: As needed but hasn’t met for several years
Authority: NR Art. 10-910/ WHS
Public Members Appointed by: WHS Director
Unit Contact: WHS/ Tracey Spencer 410-260-8564
Migratory Game Bird Advisory Committee
Provide management recommendations to the Wildlife & Heritage Service on migratory game bird species management. Includes recommendations on annual regulations and budget expenditures.
Membership: 9 Public Members
Term: 4 Years
Requirements: Practical knowledge of migratory game bird management, hunting or habitat.
Meeting: 3 times annually
Authority: NR Art. 10-308.1/ Governor
Public Members Appointed by: Governor
Unit Contact: WHS/ Tracey Spencer 410-260-8564
Wildlife Advisory Commission
Promote Hunting & Preservation of State's Wildlife
Membership: 9 Public Members
Term: 4 Years
Requirements: Specifics in statute, but general knowledge of wildlife management, hunting and conservation.
Meeting: Monthly
Authority: NR Art. 1-102(c)(2)(i) / Governor, Secretarial Recommendation
Public Members Appointed by: Governor
Unit Contact: WHS/ Tracey Spencer 410-260-8564