Other Trainings and Workshops

Other Workshops

Keepers or Chuckers: Keys to Good Records Management

More than twenty representatives from twelve land trusts attended a record keeping workshop on November 28, 2017 in Crownsville, MD. Participants discussed the importance of good record keeping, how to identify critical records and how to plan for getting records organized and protected for perpetuity.

Thanks to Land Trust Alliance for supporting this workshop and for their expertise with Maryland’s land trust community?

Workshop materials below:

Maryland Land Conservation Conference

The annual Maryland Land Conservation Conference (formerly hosted by Maryland Environmental Trust) is now hosted by the Forever Maryland Foundation. For more information on this year’s conference, please visit the CONFERENCE EVENT PAGE​. ​

MET's Past Conference Materials

Innovation in Conservation: Readying for the Opportunities and Challenges Ahead
Stewardship and Land Protection: Using Science and Technology to Further Conservation Goals
To Inspire and Engage: Strengthening Land Trusts for the Next Century
Conservation in the 21st Century