2023 Maryland Arbor Day Poster Contest

Luke receiving a framed copy of his poster, from the Carroll County Forestry Board during a ceremony at Spring Garden Elementary School

Luke receiving a framed copy of his poster, from the Carroll County Forestry Board during a ceremony at Spring Garden Elementary School. Pictured from left to right: art teacher Mrs. Teresa Greenberg, poster artist Luke Etter, Project Forester Donna Davis, Treemendous Coordinator Anne Gilbert, County STEM Coordinator Bryan Shumaker. The 5th grade students at Spring Garden ES planted 10 winterberry holly shrubs, 3 redbud trees and 2 flowering dogwood trees on Tuesday, April 6, 2021.

The Maryland Forest Service, in partnership with the Maryland Forest Conservancy District Boards, is sponsoring a “Poster Contest” for 5th grade classes throughout the State of Maryland.

The theme for the poster is: Trees Are Terrific…​and Cool Our Communities​! Statewide Winners will receive a tree planting at your school with:

  • 1st - 15 trees
  • 2nd - 10 trees
  • 3rd - 5 trees

All posters are due to the county’s MD Forest Service Office no later than 12:00 p.m. on Friday, January 20, 2023. The address for your local office can be found ​ ​​​ here. listed by county or can be found here: https://dnr.maryland.gov/forests/Pages/contacts.aspx

Posters will be judged on a county level and the winner will be submitted to the Maryland Urban and Community Forestry Committee (MUCFC) to compete at the statewide level.

Check out a list of activities and information related to Maryland’s Forests here.

​​Please note that a Release Form must be filled out and attached to the back of every poster entry.

Winners’ teachers will be notified directly by March 3, 2023​.