

Trout Stocking in Maryland

General Stocking Information

Sport Fish RestorationThe department posts stocking updates on Facebook and Twitter and through its email news service​. Lastly, anglers may also call 800-688-3467 and press option #1 to get a recorded weekly update when stocking is in process (usually updated on Fridays).  

Put-and-take areas have a five-trout limit and specific spring closures depending on location. Consult the Mary​land Guide to Fishing and Crabbing ​for closure dates and special management area restrictions​.

The daily limit in areas (that are not put-and-take or special management areas) is two trout with no minimum size and no closed season, except in special trout management and put-and-take areas.​

New brook trout regulations
are now in effect requiring catch and release only in all put-and-take trout areas and all waters east of Interstate 81. Anglers should take time to properly identify brook trout -- wh​ich are not stocked by the department, -- when fishing in catch-and-release waters.


20​23​ Trout Stocking​​

View the tr​out stocking lo​​cations map​​​​​​.​​​​​ 

​Some trout fishing areas are subject to the 2023 Closure Schedule. 
  • Closure 0 means no restrictions and trout fishing is allowed. 
  • Closure Period 1 means areas are closed from 10 pm March 5 until 5:30 am March 25, 2023 
  • Closure Period 2 means areas are closed from 10 pm March 19 until 5:30 am March 25, 2023
All areas are open to fishing at 5:30 a.m. on March 25, 2023.
Species Codes:

RB = Rainbow Trout; GN = Golden Trout; BN = Brown Trout​​

​​​All areas that are under closure are stocked and are ready for fishing on March 25, 2023 at 5:30 AM


Know Your Trout

Download and print your own Trout Identification Sheet. Fold it in half and take it with you.

Help To Stop Poachers

Reminder - If you spot poaching please call or text 443-433-4112, email mwc.dnr@maryland.gov, or report violations using the department’s free mobile app. A cash reward is available for information leading to an arrest and conviction of a violator.​

Felt Soled Waders and Shoe Ban

Felt-soled waders and wading shoes are now banned in the State of Maryland. Further information can be found through our FAQ on the felt sole ban.


Fish Consumption Advisory for Hatchery-Raised Rainbow Trout in Allegany and Garrett Counties

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) advise anglers that there is a fish consumption advisory in place for rainbow trout, including golden rainbow trout, that have been raised at DNR’s Bear Creek Hatchery​ in Garrett County. 

Under the advisory, children under 6 should limit consumption to no more than seven meals per month of these trout (3 ounces per meal). There is no consumption limit for anyone above that age. DNR raises fish in this hatchery to be stocked in Allegany and Garrett county waters for recreational anglers. The advisory follows testing of this fish that found low levels of chemicals that could result in long-term health risks. These fish are safe for adults to consume and safe for children following the recommended limits. 

Currently, no other advisories are in effect for Maryland’s hatchery-raised trout. 

Information about all fish consumption advisories statewide can be found on the MDE website. 

​Channel Catfish Stocking

6/8/2021Roberts Mill Park Pond
5/25/2021Collier Circle Pond
5/25/2021Hunter's Run Pond
5/20/2021Bynum Pond
5/20/2021Howards Pond
5/20/2021Lake Hillcrest
5/20/2021Lake Serene
5/19/2021Cedarville Pond
5/19/2021Ewing Pond Park
5/19/2021Laurel Lake
5/19/2021Melwood Pond
5/17/2021Union Mills Pond
5/17/2021Warfield Park Pond
5/17/2021Westminster Pond