

... or information about the Critical Area Program or questions relating to State oversight of local programs, e-mail us or call 410-260-3460

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Critical Area Commission
1804 West Street
Annapolis, MD 21401



Proposed Regulations

Draft Growth Allocation and Shore Erosion Control Regulations​

The Commission is updating COMAR 27.01.04, the Shore Erosion Control chapter, to bring it into conformance with modern drafting styles and to ensure the requirements are consistent with the Maryland Department of the Environment's regulations. No new regulatory requirements are proposed.

In addition to the updates to the shore erosion control regulations, the there is also an update to the growth allocation regulations. In COMAR a clarification is proposed to highlight that towns can take advantage of using their full allotment of growth allocation acreage to convert to a resource conservation area. (Certain jurisdictions are limited to using only ½ of the allotted growth allocation for conversion from a resource conservation area to another Critical Area designation.

In the February 24th edition of the Maryland Register, these regulations were published as final regulations and became effective on March 6, 2023. Please direct any questions or comments to Lisa Hoerger, Regulations Coordinator at lisa.hoerger@maryland.gov.