Disposition of Regulation Requests for 2017

South River at Riva Bridge – Re-establish a 6-knot All Times speed zone from April 15 to October 15 in the area around Riva Bridge. Currently it is 6 knots Saturday, Sunday and State Holidays April 15 to October 15. REQUEST DENIED - NO CHANGE TO CURRENT REGULATION

Boat Act Advisory Committee Links

Shoreline Erosion Studies

Chesapeake Bay Hotline

Call 1-877-224-7229 to report the following

  • ​Boating accident or reckless activity
  • ​Fish kill or algal bloom
  • Floating debris that poses a hazard to navigation
  • Illegal fishing activity
  • Public sewer leak or overflow
  • Oil or hazardous material spill
  • Critical area or wetland violation
  • Suspicious or unusual activity

Online Services
