Disposition of Regulation Requests for 2016 Boating Definitions Speed Limits & Operation of Vessels & .02 Chesapeake Bay – Eastern Shore & Western Shore Potomac River - Mattawoman Creek South River Controlled Ski Course​ Eastern Bay, Shipping Creek

Middle River, Frog Mortar Creek at Parkside Marina – Establish a new 6-knot All Times speed zone from April 15 to October 31 in front of Parkside Marina. NO CHANGE TO CURRENT REGULATIONS

South River, Upper Broad Creek – Enlarge the current speed zone, which is 6-knots Saturdays, Sundays and State Holidays, 20-knots weekdays, sunset to sunrise and 35-knots weekdays, sunrise to sunset. The request is to move the current Upper Zone line approximately 1,500 feet towards the mouth of the creek. NO CHANGE TO CURRENT REGULATIONS

Severn River, Maynadier Creek Controlled Ski Course: Review the 2016 regulation, which extended the approved hours of operation for the ski course.  NO CHANGE TO THE CURRENT REGULATION

Boat Act Advisory Committee Links

Shoreline Erosion Studies

Chesapeake Bay Hotline

Call 1-877-224-7229 to report the following

  • ​Boating accident or reckless activity
  • ​Fish kill or algal bloom
  • Floating debris that poses a hazard to navigation
  • Illegal fishing activity
  • Public sewer leak or overflow
  • Oil or hazardous material spill
  • Critical area or wetland violation
  • Suspicious or unusual activity

Online Services
